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It was about time Sera knew everything. About time someone explained all of it to her without leaving any gaps or telling things so obscurely.

Sera walked down those hallways in hopes of understanding the whole puzzle today. Renjun told her to meet him at the library, and so despite the urge to stay back in the cafeteria to grab seconds, she excused herself to find out her truth.

The library was empty, thankfully, as they didn't have to deal with anyone overhearing their conversation. She had insisted on using her private quarters as a place but Renjun quickly denied it, not wanting to barge into what a supposed to be a private area for her.

Seeing as the boy had not yet arrived, Sera made it her mission to roam around every single aisle in the library. She could tell how relevant the books were to the Rebellion judging by how clean they were. Most of the books at the end were dusty and they seemed to have not left the shelves for quite some time.

"Oh, you're here already." The sound of a male's voice easily took her attention away from the books. Wanting to smile at the boy who had just entered the library, she spun around only for her to freeze momentarily, her eyes widening at the person.

She could've sworn she heard Renjun's voice, or was she hearing things? Because the boy that stood by the entrance of the library was definitely not named Renjun.

It was—

"Chenle." His name was almost too uncomfortable to say as her jaw tightened, brows drawn down to a frown.

"You don't seem happy to see me." The said male chuckled dryly as he took wary steps forward. "It's not like I'm going to harm you."

Sera narrowed her eyes on him, not liking the uncomfortable feeling he gives her every time he was near. Something was up with him and her brain urged her that he was trouble. He was not someone she should easily trust, not when he just came out of nowhere.

Though his name was a familiar word she heard back then whenever the older recruits told stories, this boy was far from what they had described. He seemed...fake. And just like his nickname, he was indeed lost in a room full of Irregulars.

"You're not fooling me. Heck, I'm sure you're not fooling anyone in the Rebellion."

Chenle laughed, "Who said I was here to fool around?" He raised a brow at the girl, amused by her words. He had studied her face for a while, the whole time he kept stealing glances whenever he was near her, he couldn't deny that the girl was pretty; however, he thought that it was a shame she wasn't even smart enough to figure everything out on her own. But he couldn't blame her, not when he knew what she had gone through.

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