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The world was in flames. It was burning. Everywhere she looked, the fiery red flames set ablaze the whole world. Crackling in her ears, dancing from skin to skin.

It was so bright, hot, and it felt like hell.

That was when she felt herself burn, an ear piercing cry ripping her throat as she let out her own scream of terror. She was on fire, her skin felt hot, tears cascaded from her dark eyes. Another painful cry before she began to run—to who knows where her aching feet let her.

With every step burning, she desperately tried to escape the flames, following people who tried to do the same.

What was happening to the world? One moment ago it was fine, the next thing she knew the world was in flames. Was this her destiny? Was this her future? To burn?

She didn't know, and at this moment she wished she knew. She wished she could've seen the world better, not in flames like this. She never would've thought she would spend her dying breath getting caught in flames. She never would've thought this was how her life would end.

She was young, too young, and this was not her ideal way to die. Not even once did death cross her mind. All she wanted was to live, maybe a restart, but with the world in flames, was it still possible? Where were her parents? Where did her brother go? Why was she all alone? She didn't know.

And she never would've thought she would ever get to know as her eyelids dropped, the difficulty to breathe now unbearable as nothing but pain and agony coursed through her whole body. It was all too cruel for her and it had felt like it was the end, so she had accepted it. She accepted death's hug until her last breath, unknown that it wasn't the end yet.

. . . beep . . . beep . . . beep . . .

"We're lucky enough to have found bodies." A man in a lab gown spoke as they eyed the numerous chambers that preserved the found bodies. He glanced down at his clipboard, flicking through the pages. "And it seems some of them have survived such a tragic disaster."

The woman with blonde hair hummed in amusement, "Some survived? That's surprising. I'm sure he'd be pleased to have them them enter his ongoing fantasy."

The man scowled, "Don't call it like that."

She let out a laugh, gesturing at the body chambers. "Look at this! Look at the endless possibilities you can do and experiment with these bodies." The male ignored her as he continued on down the small walkway, checking each chamber one at a time.

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