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The universe is huge and filled with all things unbeknownst to humankind. We have no control over it nor could we change it. Do people even know what they fear? Do they actually fear the vast oceans or do they fear the unrevealed depths of it? Do they actually fear the dark or do they fear the feeling of being unable to see in complete darkness? The fact that you are pushed into a void wherein you don't know anything—you can't see anything. Though some would stand tall, these having no effect on them, so what do most people fear?

Death? What happens after you die? Will it be like a game wherein you restart? Is there heaven waiting? Is there a hell where you shall burn in the pits of flame? Do we really exist? Or are we just built and programmed into the system? Those thoughts repeat.

Taeil swallowed the thick lump that settled at the back of his throat, his mouth going dry as he thought of numerous possibilities and endings. His choice—he chose the rebellion. What for? To answer his curiosity. Was it the right thing? Sometimes... maybe humans are a bit nosy... they experiment with things unknown to them. They want answers. That's what he wanted. To explore the whole world, to know the real world as it seemed as if they were trapped in some sort of reality wherein things had to be done like a routine.

It felt like a system. Everything was too similar, everything was the same, everyone felt like they weren't real. Taeil pursed his lips, "Reality... system... glitches. The ruined future."

His door swings open and he nearly falls from his seat. He straightens up, clearing his throat. "Uh- at least knock?" He mumbled as Doyoung strode inside.

Doyoung apologized quickly and handed him a suit, "Here, wear this. Also, are you sure you want to do this?"

Taeil deadpans, "Wow, after you practically risked your lives in encouraging me to join, now you ask me if I want to back out?" The scientist crosses his arms over his chest, cocking an eyebrow up at the black-haired Irregular.

"Well... we don't really want to force you into something you truly don't want- actually. But if you want to, you're free to join us to escape this hell hole." Doyoung grins, wiggling his eyebrows at the older male. He whips out a sleek card from his pocket and handed it over, "You know what this is."

Taeil's eyes almost shined upon seeing the card. It felt like an honor to finally see one in person. He had heard about the infamous card they used to recruit other people and here he was now seeing one with his own eyes. He always wondered why it seemed like a larger SIM card, though he'd never actually gain the courage to ask why but he'll maybe save it for some other time.

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