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As soon as Sera made her way back to their own flat, she slammed the door behind her, locking it hastily. Small, leaden breaths occasionally left her lips as her back remained pressed against the hard mahogany. Wary eyes scanning their whole household intuitively, expecting someone to be there to say they knew about her alliance with the Resistance, but no, skepticism has lead her to such scenarios.

Sera seated herself at the couch after changing from the plain, sapphire blue leather suits they use almost every day. She hated those body-con suits her whole life. They were irritating and the fact that everybody wore the exact same suit made it sickening.

Allowing time pass by, she closed her eyes, wanting to doze off into complete darkness. However, her mind wasn't as tranquil as she thought it was. Groaning in annoyance, Sera reopens her eyes, squinting it at the bright light that shone above her. She tried to stay away from thinking about the Resistance, though it kept bouncing in and out, resonating in her ears each second that passes.

Having enough of the hindrance, she stood up and took large strides towards her room with each step done with much languor and exhaustion. Plopping herself on her bed, she reaches under her pillow to pull out the peculiar relic of the past generations. Eyeing the device with her two prudent eyes, she began to try and press the buttons on the side of it.

"This is... tricky." She stated, using her forefinger to switch between the pages of the screen. Browsing through numerous unknown apps, Sera found the device more entertaining than their NTC.

As she was about to click on the app that had a bird displayed on its logo, the device began to vibrate as some sort of 'dilemma' presented right in front of her.

Knitting her eyebrows in perplexity, she continued to stare down at the gleaming screen which clearly said: ZEUS is Calling.

Green is better than Red, right?
So should I click the Green one or...

Fuck it. Just go with Green.

Following her conscience, she gently pressed the green button and the screen switched once again. Then she remembered reading about old phones in books, they press it up against their ears, and so that's what she did. Slowly bringing the device up to her ear, she questioned softly, "Uh... um, hello?"

"Finally! Took you a decade to answer, Sera." She easily recognized that as Jungwoo's voice.

"Sorry, you didn't really explain how to use this... thing." Sera apologized, glancing at the phone for a quick second.

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