Returning Home

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I'll return some day, no matter how many dimension laps it will take
I hope when it's time it's not again my heart that will break
but the spell I put onto myself, the one that says I am undeserving of love
an oath I was unable to get rid off
when I'll return, please hold me so gently, like glass in danger of breaking
like fragility in a self-destructive mind with a world violently shaking
I want to remember everything I was forced to forget
to be given the chance to press the imaginary button that says "reset"
maybe this universe will allow me to be with you
under a sky that will unlearn the deep anchored sorrow of the color blue
in the flow of the memory filled river that leads its way back to the beginning, a place where I could've made a change
right beneath the shaded stars where I would've wished for something so familiarly strange
like a love i only learned through made up scenarios and bittersweet dreams
a love i only let myself feel in distance or not at all, so it seems

when I'll return in your arms in another universe and call it home, a place my soul was aching to know
I hope you're aware it was my mind and not my heart that decided, in the first, to let you go

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