chapter 14

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Trigger warning: blood, disturbing content, murder, and description of murder.

(Janet pov)
We go inside the mansion to see Jeff and Ben hanging from the ceiling. Kayden and Liu are standing under them, staring at them. "How did they get up there?" I ask, and Ben and Jeff freeze. "How DID we get up here?" Ben asks, and Jeff shrugs. That's when I realized that Jeff's mask was off, since he wasn't expecting us over. "What's up with your face?" James asks. Jeff's smile fades, unlike the one permanently on his face.
"I forgot my damn mask." Jeff says quietly. Ben glitches down from the ceiling and starts to walk to his room. "Ben! You forgot me idiot!" Jeff yells. "I didn't forget you, I just don't care!" Ben says back. Jeff shrugs and falls from the ceiling, landing flat on his back. "Are you ok?" Carter asks. Jeff nods. "I've fell from higher." He says. Masky walks up to Jeff. "Are you and Kayden ready?" He asks. Jeff looks to Kayden, who nods nervously. "You should get going soon, if not now. I wish you luck." Masky says, then walks off. "Where are you going?" I ask. "I'm going on my first mission." Kayden says.
"mission? What kind of mission?" James asks. "I don't know if you can handle it." Jeff says. "Please tell us!" Carter pleads. "Fine. She's going to kill her first victim, that's not her family." Jeff says. I feel as if all the breath has left my lungs. "Isn't that exciting?!" Kayden yells. I nod weakly and Kayden and Jeff leave.

(Kayden pov)
They want me to go on a mission ever since they saw what I could do. I can blend in with my surroundings, and make it seem like I am something I'm not. It only works with dark clothes, though. That's why they gave me a new costume, a dark purple one. We near a house and Jeff stops me for a moment. "Here. Have this." He says. He hands me a dark purple mask, that's a lot like Ej's, but with a confused expression. I take it and put it on. "For now, your identity and your partner is the most important thing to you. When you get more experienced, it could change, especially when you start going on missions alone. Killing the victim is the number one goal." Jeff says. I nod, and he hands me my knife. "You need a name." Jeff says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Ya know, like how I'm Jeff the killer. And Ej is Eyeless Jack." Jeff says. "Well, I don't have one." I whisper. "After this you will. Based off of your killing style, I'll give you one." Jeff says, and I give him a thumbs up. "Are you ready?" He asks. I nod and we walk to the house. "Stay in the shadows until we get in." Jeff says. I nod and walk into the shadow of the house. "How good are you at climbing?" Jeff asks. "Really good. I used to have to climb back up the wall of my house to get back into my room without anyone noticing me." I say, and he nods. "Put your hood up. It'll make it harder to see you." Jeff says. I nod and put the hood up, and he starts to climb the wall. I follow him, and he gets up to the window. He opens it quietly and gets inside the house, and I do the same.
I automatically notice the talking from the room next to this one. I turn to ask Jeff what to do, but he's already gone. I shrug and walk in the shadows. I walk to the room, and notice a teenage girl, about seventeen, and a boy, about my age, ten. I hide in the shadows, and they don't notice me, until I hit the small table. Kayden you idiot! "What was that?" The boy asks quietly. I look at my shadow, and it looks like a cat. "It's just the cat." The girl says, and they go back to talking. I continue moving to them, and is about to stab the girl. "Lyla, we don't have a cat." The boy says. The girl, Lyla, quickly moves, making me hit the floor instead of her. The boy runs to the bed and grabs a phone. I quickly kill the sister and go after the boy, who is trying to guess the password. I kill him too. I look down at the knife and my jacket, which is covered in blood. "Kayden, smile." Jeff says, pointing a camera at me. The same camera he used on my first day in the mansion. I take off my mask and give him my biggest smile. He takes a picture and we leave.
"How did I do?" I ask. "Really good. How did you manage to kill them with  one stab?" Jeff asks and I shrug. Wee keep walking and slowly get near to the mansion. I see Sally, Janet, James and Carter outside, climbing a tree. I run to the base of the tree and stand there for a second. "Kayden! How did it go!?" Sally yells, jumping from the tree. "Really well." I say, taking off my mask. "How many?!" She asks excitedly. "How many what?" Carter asks. I hold up two fingers and Sally squeals. "What happened?" James asks. "She killed two people!" Sally says and the other three go pale. "Did you get scared?" Sally asks. "Only when I bumped into a table." I say. "Oof. Well, did your costume work?" She asks. I nod and she squeals again. "What does she mean by that?" James asks, obviously confused. "Kayden, you haven't showed them?!" Sally yells, and I walk into the shadows. I put on my mask, and think of what I want to look like. "James, where did Kayden go?" Janet asks. "I'm right here..." James says. "Then is that over there Kayden?" Carter asks, and Sally nods excitedly. I walk out of the shadows and Sally admires my mask. "Did Jeff give you a name yet?" Sally asks. I shake my head, and the other three look confused, again. "Name? But Kayden already has a name." Janet says. "Like how Ej is Eyeless Jack, and Liu is Homicidal Liu, oh! And Jeff is Jeff The Killer!" Sally says. "Oh..." Carter says. I can tell that they are uncomfortable.

1077 words. I am so sorry for not posting a chapter in a while!!! Anyway, Kayden already has a fitting Creepypasta name, but I'm getting to actually putting it in the story. Her Creepypasta name is Insane Kayden, because of her killing style and her power, which can make you go a bit crazy. I'll explain more in a different chapter. Hope you have a good day or night!!!
-Ze tortoise 🙃

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