The 3rd Chapter.

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Trigger warning: alcohol, murder, and language. If there is any more, tell me.


~Kayden pov~

On our way home it was silent. "Kayden. What's going on? Who was that? Where were we?" I stop and turn around. "That was Jeff's house. Well, Slender's house, but all my friends live there." They went pale. "Who are your friends?" James says quietly. "Well, there is Slender, Sally, Ben, Eyeless Jack, Jane, Masky and Hoodie, Liu, Toby, Laughing Jack but he's never home so I've never met him, oh! And Jeff!" I say while smiling and counting. "There's many more, but I honestly can't remember them right now." I rant.

"Eyeless Jack?" Carter says while starting to walk away. "Yeah. He's nice once you get to know him." If he doesn't kill you. I look in a tree to see someone watching us. "Hi Sally!" I yell. Janet, James, and Carter look in that direction. Sally comes down from the tree and stands in front of us. "Hey Kayden!"

~Carter pov~

"Hey Kayden!" The girl says. She is wearing a pink dress and is holding a stuffed bear. She has long brown hair. "Kayden? Who's this?" I say, trying not to run out of the woods. I've personally never been this deep in the woods. "This is Aunt Sally! She's thirteen!" She says while hugging the girl. "Slender wanted me to make sure that you made it home safe. Without Ej getting your friends." Sally explains while hugging the bear tightly. "Ok bye!" Kayden says while walking. We walked in silence for a little bit. "Hey Kayden, why did you pack a knife?" James mentions while looking at his feet. "It was a present from Jeff. It's from his collection." She says while pulling it out of her pocket. "He says it's the best thing you can ever have." I shudder at the thought. "So, he's a psycho?" Janet says, breaking an awkward silence. Kayden goes pale as she walks faster. She didn't answer. "We're here." She says after a while. We go into her house to her parents drinking. Kayden immediately runs to her room. We follow her to find Liam looking through her things. "Liam? What are you doing?" I say and he turns around. "I'm looking for something." Kayden closes her drawer and locks it. "Get out." Liam looks at her with shock. He's looking at her like she's never spoken before. He pulls Kayden to his room and calls their dad. When the dad comes, he grabs Kayden and smacks her in the face. "Excuse me? You can't do that!" Janet screams as Kayden falls to the ground. Liam smirks and walks to his bed. I feel bad. "You should go home. I can handle this. I have since I was three." Kayden says as she gets up. She walks to her room and slams the door. So, we leave.

~Liam pov~

She talked back to me. It was the first time. She got what she deserved. I heard the door slam and Janet, James, and Carter leave. "Where did they go? They kinda just left earlier." I say to myself. I hear Kayden open her window. I walk to her room. I opened the door slightly. I watched her talk to some guy. "Kayden?" She turned really fast, and the guy disappeared. "Dad!" I yelled. She's going to get in so much trouble. She opens her drawer and pulls out a knife. "Kayden?! What the hell are you doing?!" Dad yells and I run downstairs. I see the guy in the living room, and I turn towards the kitchen. He's there too. "What the heck?" I turn to the stairs to hear my dad scream.

~Kayden pov~

I did it. I killed him. I go downstairs covered in blood. Jeff looks at me and at my brother. I ran down the stairs to see my mom stumbling around. The special drink. It makes people weak. I ran to my brother and stabbed him. Then I stabbed my mom. "Jeff, did I do good?" I say, knowing he is behind me. "Yes. Considering it was your first time." I look at him. I look towards the window leading to the woods.... Do I run, or stay? If I stay, I'll get caught. Will they really think I did it, though? I look at Jeff again, then back at the window.... And I run.

~Janet pov~

Kayden and Liam haven't been at school lately. I start to worry, even though I "don't care". James and I go to Liam's house, to see if he's ok. We start running when we see police tape everywhere. "What's going on?" We asked a police officer. "Sorry, that's confidential information." He says. I look past the tape to see blood everywhere inside the house. "They're dead, aren't they?" I ask with tears. The male sighs deeply. "Yeah. All three of them." He says. "There's four of them." 

814 words. Hope this chapter was good. As usual, no pictures or videos belong to me unless I say so. Hope you have an amazing day or night!!!

-Ze tortoise 🙃

Edited May 27, 2022

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