the 12 chapter

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trigger warning:Attempted murder, murder, and blood. Also, there is absolute cringe.
(Kayden pov)
We play outside for a bit until James and Carter come. "Hey guys." I say. "Hey." Carter mumbles. "We should go for a walk! We walked smile dog earlier and it was really fun!" Sally yells. "Should we go ask?" I say. Sally nods and goes inside. She comes back out and runs over to us. "Yeah, but someone has to come with us." She says. "Why? We can go on our own." James says angrily. "Who's coming with us?" I ask. "Hoodie. He's the only one who is not busy." I nod and Hoodie comes outside. "Where are you guys planning on going? Cause we can go anywhere except for the town." Hoodie explains. We nod and tell him we are just going to walk around. We start walking in a random direction until we get to a clearing in the woods. Sally obviously recognized this place and held her bear closer to her. "Can we turn back?" She wispers. Hoodie nods and we start to go back to the mansion. "Why can't we go there?" James asks. Sally holds onto the bear as hard as she can. "Who are you guys?" A man I don't recognize asks. "Who are you? You don't live here." Hoodie says back. "You guys look a little shady. Maybe I should call the cops, cause you obviously don't live around here."
Janet, James and Carter walk over to me and Sally while Hoodie keeps arguing with the guy. The man then pulls out a knife and tries to stab Hoodie, but Sally jumps out from behind him, and the man stabs Sally in the head. Sally stands there for a moment, blood dripping down her face, and she stands there shocked. "That hurt, ya idiot." She yells with the knife still in her head, obviously enraged. "What the hell? Why aren't you dead?" He says while falling backwards. Hoodie takes this chance to shoot him in the head. "He was a bitch anyway." Hoodie mutters while putting the gun in his pocket. "Ok, let's go." Sally says enthusiastically. "We have to go back to the mansion." Hoodie says. I turn around to see James Janet and Carter shocked. "This happens all the time. It's normal." Sally says as she skips back the other way. "That happens all the time?!" Carter yells. I nod and walk after her.
                     +Ze time skip+
We got the knife out of Sally's head and threw it away. "Where's Jeff at? I haven't seen him since we left." Sally says. I walk upstairs to see Jeff sitting on his bed. "Hi." I wisper. "Hey. How was your walk?" He asks. I sit down on my bed and tell him all about it. "And then this dude stabbed Sally in the head, so Hoodie shot him." I say. "Sally must have been pissed. What is that, the 100'th time?" He says. "Most of them are you." I say. "Sally now knows not to make me angry." He says. "Why do you still have your mask on? Maybe you should take it off?" I say. "I don't want to scare the shit out of your friends." He says. I nod and walk back downstairs. Jeff follows me down the stairs and goes to the kitchen. Hoodie is sitting next to Masky, while Masky is smoking. I can't here what he is saying, but I know Hoodie is telling Masky something. "Ship!" Jeff yells from the kitchen. Masky blushes and covers his face with his hands, clearly embarrassed. I walk over to Jeff confused. "What does that mean?" I ask. "Nothing." Jeff says while searching the fridge. "If your not going to tell me, I'll go ask Jane." I say. "Go ahead. She won't tell you either." He say. I walk upstairs to Janes room, but she's not there. I hear Jane in Sally's room, so I go over there. She is teaching Sally and Janet how to braid hair, which I could never do, because my hair is too short. "Jane, I have a question." I say. Jane stops and looks at me. "What's up?" I think for a moment. "What is a ship?" I say. Jane looks at me. "You know that." She says. "Not like a boat. Jeff yelled ship when Masky and Hoodie were talking, and Masky was obviously embarrassed." I mutter. Jane starts to choke on the drink she was drinking. "What?!" She yells while laughing. "What does it mean?" I say, getting impatient. "Oh my God, YES!" She says. "What's going on?" Masky asks while standing in the doorway. "Ship!" Jane says while laughing hysterically. "Shut up." Masky says. "It's true!" She yells. "What is a ship?!" I yell. "When you ship two people, your technically saying that they should date each other." Masky quietly explains. I stand there for a minute, unsure of what to say. "So, Jeff wants you and Hoodie to date each other?" I ask. He puts his hands up to his face, covering his mask. "How about we drop this very embarrassing topic, and let me slowly die due to humiliation." He says and walks back downstairs.

870 words. Omg, I'm so sorry for the cringe. Anyway hope you enjoyed, and have a good day or night!!
-Ze tortoise 🙃

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