the 10 chapter

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Trigger warning: language (expect it to be in almost every chapter)

(Kayden pov)
As we walk through the woods it is silent. We eventually reach a part of the woods where it was very dark. "What was that house that we found?" Carter asks. "Jeff's old house." I reply. "So did Jeff kill them?" I look down. "Yeah." They stop. "What happened to the kids?" James asks. Me and Toby stop too. "Jeff is one of the kids. Liu is the other." I say. "Wait what?" All three of them say. "Yup. Jeff killed their parents. Jeff is going to have to tell you the rest, because he will tell it better." I say and we start to walk again. We walk in awkward silence until Toby abruptly stops.
"What is it?" I say. "Ej." He says. Ej walks in front of us and waves. "Hey guys." He says. "Hey Ej. What are you doing?" I say. "I haven't eaten in three days. I'm hungry." He say. "Don't you have food in the fridge downstairs?" Toby asks. He shakes his head. "Well, good luck on your search!" We say. He walks away and I sigh. "We have to get you to the mansion faster than I thought." Toby says. "Why?" Janet asks. We don't answer and we keep walking. We finally reach the mansion and go inside. "We're back." I say. "Did you run into Ej on the way here?" Masky asks, and I nod. He sighs. "Come on. Is your, friends, comfortable staying with us?" Hoodie asks. I look at them, and they nod slowly. They go sit on the couch and i talk with Masky and Hoodie.
"Where can they stay?" I ask. "The girl can stay with Sally." Hoodie says. "Carter can stay with Ben." I suggest. Masky nods. "Where can the other one go?" We think for a bit. "What about Toby?" I say after a while. "Ok, I guess that will work." Hoodie says. I walk over to the couch where they were sitting. "Do you want me to take you to where you are staying?" They nod and I take them to Sally's room. "Janet, this is where you are staying." I knock on the door and Sally opens it. "Janet is staying with you. Is that fine?" I say. She nods and lets janet in.
I take them to Ben's room. "Carter, this is where you are staying." I say. He nods and I knock on the door. "Ben!" I yell. He opens the door. He is still angry about a couple days ago, so his eyes are black and bleeding. "Sorry, is it ok that carter stays with you?" I ask. "Sure." He says and lets carter in. Me and James walk to Toby's room, but before I can knock the door opens. "Can james stay with you?" I ask Toby. "Sure?" He says. The front door opens and I can hear faint arguing. Me and James go downstairs to see Jane and Jeff. "Go to hell." Jane yells. "F**k you." Jeff says while flipping her off. "How about we go back upstairs." I say. James nods and we walk upstairs. "Do they fight often?" James asks. I nod.

(Janet pov)
It is nighttime and me and Sally are playing with dolls. I don't get to play with dolls often, because my parents expect me to be like my brother. They think that if they raise me like him, I will be successful like him. "You ok Janet?" Sally asks. I nod. "I'm just thinking." There is a knock on the door. "Come in!" Sally yells. "It's time to go to sleep." Masky says. "Ok..." Sally says reluctantly. We get ready for sleep and I curl up on the floor. "Good night, Janet. I'm glad you played with me." Sally wispers. "Good night to you too." I say. I hear light snoring coming from her bed. I get up and walk out of the room. "What are you doing up?" The man with the hood asks. "I can't sleep." I say. There were only three people in the living room. Masky, the man in the hood, and the Ej person. Ej scares me. He has a weird mask, that is all blue except for the black stuff coming down from the eyes. "Did you hear me?" Masky says. "Huh??" I say, confused. "You should at least try." He says again. I nod and walk back upstairs. When I get into Sally's room I go back to the spot on the floor. "Did you go downstairs?" Sally wispers. "Yeah." I wisper back. "You probably shouldn't be getting up at night. I learned that the hard way." She says quietly. "Sorry, I couldn't sleep." I say. Eventually I fall asleep.

(James pov)
I am awoken to the sound of crying. I sit up on the floor, trying to figure out where it is coming from. I look up to see Toby. He doesn't have his goggles, but he still has his mask. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing. It's just nightmares." He replies. "Oh. Do you want me to go get someone?" I say. He shakes his head and lays back down on his bed. I wonder if that happens often. I lay back down on the floor and fall asleep.

(Carter pov)
"What happened to your eyes?" I ask Ben. "Oh, that happens when I am mad or sad." He says. "Oh. And the glitchy thing?" "Same thing." He says. There is a knock at the door and Ben tells the person on the other side to open it. "It's time for bed." Masky says. I can see the faint shadow of the man in the hood behind him. Ben nods. We get ready for bed, me sleeping on the floor and Ben sleeping on the bed. I hear the faint snoring coming from his bed and I fall asleep. Of course I'm used to hearing snores, since I share a room with my mom. It has always been just me and her. My dad left when I was really little, leaving us alone. Leaving my mom to raise me by  herself. She works hard everyday, hoping the next day would be better. We can't afford a big house, so we just have a one bedroom apartment. I love you, mom.

1060 words. Hope you liked this chapter! Thank you for all the reads I have been getting!! It means a lot to me, and I am extremely grateful. The video belongs to Ijustwannahavefunn, check them out on youtube!! I hope you have an amazing day or night!!!
-Ze tortoise 🙃

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