The 5th Chapter.

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I'ma mention that Ej is in a closet for most of these chapters, cause there is no need for him at the moment. Sorry to all the Ej fans!

Trigger warning: Brief language.

~James pov~

I wake up to see Kayden sleeping next to Jeff. Did he come in here when we were sleeping? Kayden looked at me then at Janet. I looked over at Janet to see her on the floor. I got up and stretched. "Morning Kayden." I say. She gets up and walks out the room, so I follow her to the kitchen. She starts talking to the man in the mask. "Did Janet leave the room last night, Masky?" She says. The man, who I'm guessing is Masky, nods. "We put Ej in a closet. Jane was not happy." He says. Kayden laughs, because I guess they put "Ej" in Jane's closet. "What happened to your parents?" I asked after Masky left. She turns to me and her smile fades. "And Liam. What happened?" I ask. "I dunno." She says walking to Jeff's room. "If you know, just tell me!" I say. She spins around and grabs my shoulders. "No! I don't know!" She yells. I stand back and don't look at her. A woman peeks out of her room and Kayden walks to Jeff's room.

~Jeff's pov~

I hear Kayden yell and I immediately look to the other kids. One of the boys and the girl are still sleeping. That must mean that the other kid is downstairs. I'm so smart. I walk out of the room to see Kayden walk towards me. "What is wrong?" I ask quietly.

"James kept asking me what happened to my parents. I don't want to tell him, because he will tell someone and I'll get caught and taken away." She says while sobbing. I kneel down and give her a hug. I see Jane come out of her room. "What happened?" She asks. "One of the kids keep asking her what happened to her parents." I say. She turns to the boy down the hall. "That boy?" She asks quietly. "No shit." I say. She walks to the kitchen, while passing the boy. Kayden stops crying after a while, and the others wake up.

The three bullies are talking in the living room. Kayden walks down there and sits on the couch. Jane, who was awkwardly sitting on the couch this whole time, starts talking to Kayden and Kayden nods. Eventually, I feel as if someone is standing behind me. I turn to see Liu, watching the three bullies. "Why are you creepily standing behind me?" I ask. He shrugs. "You know when they are leaving?" He says. "Hopefully soon." I turn back to the kids. This is the most interaction I have had with him in forever. "You've been doing a good job watching Kayden." Liu mutters after a while. "Sure. Thanks." I say. "Considering you haven't killed anyone in five days, you've done good trying to look.... Somewhat sane." He says. I glare at him then realize that the girl is looking at us. "Why were you in my room, Jeff?" He says after a while. "I told you, the girl was looking around." I say, rolling my eyes. "Ok. Still don't believe you though." He smiles and I refrain from strangling him. He starts walking down the stairs when I push him. He falls down the stairs. "God dammit Jeff!" Liu yells. "Oops, my hand accidentally pushed you down the stairs." I say. He gets up and brushes himself off. "I really don't like you." Liu says. "I'll live." I say. He walks to the kitchen and sits at the table. I sit on the stairs and watch Kayden. I don't trust Jane. Jane stops talking and looks over at the bullies. I look over at them too, to see them staring at me. I get up to leave when one of the boys comes up to me. "What happened to Kayden's parents?" The boy asked. I smile, though he can't tell, and put a finger over my mouth. "Can't tell." I whisper. I walk to my room, leaving the boy confused.

~Carter pov~

Jeff scares me. He has a weird vibe to him. I think Kayden isn't telling us something. I think none of them are telling us this secret. They're all suspiciously calm. They're all suspiciously ok with Jeff pushing that person down the stairs. He could have died. Why are they ok with it?

744 words. Pretty nice. I really like this chapter. Again, no pictures or videos belong to me unless I say so. Hope you have an excellent day or night!!!
-Ze tortoise 🙃

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