the 11 chapter.

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Tortoise note: I only have one ship in this story. It is Masky and Hoodie. I have put small hints, so you probably didn't notice it, or you didn't care. This is the first chapter so far that has the ship being extremely obvious.
(Jeff pov)
"Jeff?" "Hmm?" I say, turning around. "I can't sleep." Kayden wispers. "Why not?" I ask sitting up. "I keep thinking about my family. Did they hate me?" She says. I invite her to sit down next to me. "I don't know. They probably loved you in their own way. Or they absolutely hated you." I say, being completely honest. She looks down. "Do you think they liked Liam more than me? He got birthday parties, he got to have friends over. They didn't remember my birthday, and I never had friends." She says pulling her knees close to her chest. "I'll be your family." I wisper. "You will?" She says, eyes wide. "Yeah. I remember your birthday, even better than they did." I say. She gives me a big hug. "Thanks Jeff." She says. "Your welcome." She is quiet, and I hear light snoring. I smile and lay her down on my bed. I decide to go get something to eat. I go downstairs to see Masky sitting on the couch smoking. Hoodie is asleep, laying his head on Masky's shoulder, which is surprising because Masky never lets anyone that close. "I ship it." I say, and Masky glares at me. "Shut up." He says, putting his mask on. "Come on, everyone in the mansion ships it." I say headed to the kitchen. "Why are you up?" Masky asks.
"Why are you up?" I reply. "I'm making sure Toby doesn't get up. Do you know how many times I woke up to find him roaming around?" He says taking his mask off again. "Why doesn't he stay asleep?" I ask. "I don't know. He won't tell me or Hoodie why." Masky explains. I take off my mask to eat the food I found. When I'm done I put my mask on walk to the couch. "Good night." I tell Masky, but he's already curled up and asleep. "I'm just gonna let him sleep." I say and walk upstairs. I open the door to see Kayden curled up in a ball on my bed. I smile and sit on the floor. I pull my knees up to my chest. Well, at least she's happy. I eventually fall asleep.
                     +Ze time skip+
I wake up to see Kayden still sleeping. The sun just came up, so I go downstairs. When I go downstairs Masky is still sleeping but Hoodie is awake."good morning." I say. Hoodie waves. "Is anyone else awake?" I ask. "Toby. He's outside." Hoodie replies. I nod and walk outside. I see Toby hitting a tree with his hachet. "Hey Toby!" I yell. "Good morning Jeff!" He yells back, only stopping for a moment. "How did you sleep?" I ask. "Good. I couldn't find my goggles this morning, though." He says. "How about you?"
"Pretty good. Kayden woke me up to ask me if her parents loved her, which was kind of odd." I say leaning up against a tree. "That's weird. What did you say?" He says, taking a break. "I said they probably loved her in their own way. Or they absolutely hated her." I explain. He slowly nods. "I'm hungry." He yells. "We have waffles." I say and he runs inside. I smile and walk after him. When I get inside I see Sally and Janet sitting in the living room playing with smile dog. When I get close enough smile dog jumps on me knocking me down. "Hey!" I yell. He jumps off of me and sits down on the couch. "Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask. "Can I come?" Sally pleads. I nod. "Can Janet come?" And I nod again. They hop up and walk to the door. I take smile dog and we walk outside. We walk for a bit and I turn around to see if the girls are still following me. They are but they are oddly silent. "Is something wrong?" I ask. "I was wondering about what you and Kayden were talking about last night." Sally wispers. "It's nothing. She was just worried." I say. Smile dog stops and sits. "Who is it?" I say. "Hey guys." Ej says. "Hi Ej!" Sally yells. "What are you guys doing?" Ej asks. "We are walking smile dog. What are you doing?" I say. "Just walking. Ok bye." He mutters. "Ok bye." I mutter. He walks off and we do too.

(Janet pov)
We walk in this weird silence for a bit until we get to the mansion. We get inside and see Masky sitting on the couch. When he sees Jeff he immediately looked away. "Are we not friends anymore?" Jeff says jokingly. "Shut up." Masky mutters. "Is that your go to words for when I'm bothering you?" Jeff chuckles.
"God damn, your worse than Toby." Masky says. "Hey!" Toby yells from the kitchen. "Want to go play with dolls?" Sally says. I nod and we walk to her room. "Do you want to see if Kayden wants to play?" Sally says grabbing her bear. "Sure. I guess." I say. We walk to Kayden's room and open the door. "Kayden, are you awake?" Sally wispers. "Yeah." She mutters. "Do you want to play with dolls?" Sally asks. "Sure." We walk back to Sally's room, with Kayden, and play with dolls.
After a while James walks in. "Hey guys." He said and he come in. "Good morning James." Kayden says. "Is Carter awake?" We shrug. "If he is he isn't in here." I say and James walks out of the room. "Do you want to go play in the woods?" Sally asked, and Kayden nods. I nod too and we walk outside. The woman is out here, hitting a tree with a knife. "Hi Jane!" Sally and Kayden yell at the same time. "Hi. What are you guys doing?" "We're just playing outside." Sally says. "Ok. Have you seen Jeff?" Jane says while putting the knife in her pocket. "No. I think he went for a walk." Kayden says. Jane walks off and we stand there for a minute. "Why did you tell her he went for a walk? He's in the living room." I ask. "You don't want to know." Kayden says.

1080 words. How you enjoyed this chapter!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but now I have!! The video does not belong to me. Ok, Hope you have a good day or night!!
-Ze tortoise 🙃

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