the 6 chapter

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Tell me what creepypasta character is your favorite! Also tell my your favorite meme and I'll try to put it in another chapter!

Trigger warning: language, blood and disturbing content.
(Kayden pov)
Carter walks back down stairs. "Jeff is a little more creepy than we thought." He wispers. By now everyone in the mansion is watching them. "I heard that girl tried to go into liu's room. Jeff obviously stopped her." Jane says, leaning back on the couch. "What's up with Jeff and Liu, any way? Seems like they don't like each other." I say. "You have to ask Jeff or Liu. Jeff would be pissed if I told you something I wasn't supposed to." Jane says after a while. I nod, then get up to talk to Liu. "Hey, Liu?" He turns to look at me. "Hey kiddo! What do you want?" He says. His scars are barely visible under his scarf. "Can I talk to you about something?" He looks back to James janet and Carter. "When they leave, okay?" He says. I nod and walk to my bullies. "Don't you guys have school tomorrow?" I ask, trying not to look like I'm rushing them. "Oh no! I forgot!" James says. They run out the door and I sigh in relief. I walk back to the table and sit down. "What do you want to talk about?" Liu says. I get nervous all of a sudden. "Why do you and Jeff hate each other?" I ask while looking him in the eyes. He freezes. "Well, I don't hate him. It... It's complicated. You might not understand." He says, standing up and starting to walk away. "It looks like you hate him, though." I get up too. He walks to his room and closes the door. I walk back to the couch and sit down. "It didn't work." I say to Jane. "Ask Jeff. He might tell you." I get up and run to Jeff's room.
"Jeff! I have a question!" I yell as I bust through the door. He drops a knife, and in the process, cuts his hand. "Damnit!" He wisper-yells. "Sorry. Are you ok?" I ask while flinching. "I'm fine. Nothing I haven't gone through before." He says while pulling his mask down and pointing to his face. "Ok I have a question!" I say and sit on my bed. "Ok, why do you and Liu hate each other?" I say while tilting my head a little bit. "I guess I can tell you. I was gonna save it for when you get older." He says while rubbing the back of his head with his bandaged hand. "Tell me!" I say. He closes the door.
"Well, I used to have parents." He paused. "I know that. You killed them." I say. "Well I also had a brother. Well, have." I look down. "Dang, he must be angry you killed your parents." I say while imagining what his brother looks like. "He is pretty angry. Well I tried to kill my brother, but he wouldn't die." He says while laughing softly. "He got over 600 stitches, and I'm surprised he didn't die." I look in shock. "He didn't die?! That's a lot of stitches!!" I exclaimed. "My brother is Liu." He says while standing up. "Wait what!!" I yell. I get up too and walk downstairs. Jane smiles. "I am guessing that he told you?"  "So that's where Liu got all the scars!" She laughs. "Jeff is more insane than you thought. I'm surprised he made it 5 days without yelling at something." I can't believe it. Jeff's brother is Liu.

(Jeff pov)
I stare at the floor. I didn't expect for her to react like that. I grab a knife, put my mask on, and walk downstairs. I shove the knife in my pocket. "I'm going out for a little bit!" I yell. I get outside and run. I get to a point where I was in the middle of the woods, and I couldn't see the mansion. I heard voices. I look to see the three bully's. I stand there for a bit, waiting for one of them to notice me. The girl screams.

(James pov)
We turn to see Jeff standing behind us. "Uh, hi.... What are you doing here?" I say, holding back a scream. "Just walking around. Did you all get lost? You're pretty far away from the town." He says. "We were looking around. That is all." I say so that Jeff will leave. "Ok...." He walks off, in the direction we were headed. We follow him for a bit hoping he wouldn't notice us following him. There is something that just doesn't seem right with this guy. We follow him for about a mile, then he stops. We are at a house. "This is the house that those murders took place." He turns around. "What the hell?!" He yells. We smile nervously. "Go home. Now." We turn and walk back to my house. "Did they ever catch the guy that killed them?" Janet asks after a few minutes. "No. The killer is still out there. The two sons are missing." Carter says. "Maybe we can go to the house and investigate. They say they never cleaned up. They left everything there." I say. Carter shivers. "Even the bodies?" "Except the bodies." I say.
                    +Ze time skip+
It the next day, and we head over to the house. When we get inside, it's a mess. Blood is everywhere. " How bout we split up." Janet says, and me and Carter nod. I go into one of the rooms to see writing on the wall. I soon realize it is blood. "They will pay. Over and over again. They will pay." I say out loud. I get chills. I go into the bathroom, where carter is, and freeze beside him. On the mirror is the words "aren't I beautiful?" And a bloody smile. We run out and run into the living room. Janet is looking at some pictures. All of them have the faces scratched out. "Let's go." I say and we run home.

1022 words. I have given you a new chapter. Yay! The video belongs to Ijustwannahavefun. Check them out on youtube! They're great! THIS IS MY AU. hope you have a good day or night!
- ze tortoise 🙃

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