the 8 chapter

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Trigger warning: language, blood

(Surprise!! Sally pov)
I was in the living room playing with smile dog when kayden and her.... Friends? walked through the door. I grab my bear and walk over to her. "Where did you guys go?" I say. "Just to some house we found." The girl says. Hoodie walks over to us. "Where's Jeff? He followed you out, and it's been awhile since I've seen him." He says. "Really? He is always back by now. Unless..." I say, pondering where Jeff could be. "How about I send Ej and Toby to find him." Hoodie says. "We can find him!!" One of the boys yells. I could tell that Hoodie doesn't like that idea. I guess no one wants Kayden's friends to know about any of us. "Ej and Toby would be able to find him faster." I say, just so the kids will leave it alone. "Fine..." the boy said. Hoodie walks off, maybe to find Ej, and Kayden pulls me aside. "I want to go. It's probably my fault he's not home." Kayden wispers.
"What did you do?" I ask. "I listened to the bullies instead of listening to Jeff." She says. "I need to tell that to a adult. It's better if they know." I say. I run off to find Hoodie. When I can't find him, I turn to Jane. "Hey Jane. I need to find Hoodie. Or Masky." I say. "Masky and Toby went to the store, and Hoodie is talking to Liu. Why?" I run up to liu's room to see hoodie trying to convince Liu into going to find Jeff. "I can go." I said, before thinking. "Fine. But I'm going. Ej doesn't want to go." I tell him what kayden told me. "We can't bring her with us." Hoodie says as we walk downstairs. "If she comes, the bullies will want to come." I nod.
When we get downstairs we immediately walk to the door before Kayden sees us. We walk for a bit in a awkward silence, and I hug my bear closer to my chest. Eventually we come up to a house. I've never seen this before, but Hoodie has. We go in and there is blood everywhere. "What is this place?" I ask. "Jeff's old house. He comes here when he's upset." He says. I look at a picture, of a family, but I can't see their faces. Only the face of a boy, and it has a big smile across his face. That's definitely Jeff. Hoodie comes out of one of the rooms. "He's not here. Which means, that he may be off killing someone again." He says. I nod, and we walk back into the woods.

(James pov)
I know that we can find him. Kayden has been crying since she heard that Jeff wasn't here. "Kayden? Are you ok?" Janet says. Kayden looks at her while sobbing. The man with the scarf comes downstairs and sits next to her. "Liu. I don't know where he went." Kayden mumbles. He holds out his arms. Kayden looks at him shocked and eventually leans against him. His arms wrap around her and he holds her while she sobs uncontrollably. Janet walks over to me and Carter and looks back at kayden. "I think we should go. We can come back tomorrow and see if Jeff is back." Janet says and Carter and I nod.
As we turn to the door the man in the hood, Sally, and Jeff walk through the door. Kayden immediately runs to Jeff and hugs him. Jeff looks at kayden, then at us. "Sorry." He said. "What happened? Where did you go?" Janet says. "I needed time to think. I didn't mean to be late." Kayden let's go and the man in the scarf, Liu, walks up to him. Then he does something I wouldn't expect. He slaps Jeff on the side of the head. "damnit Jeff! You scared me! Don't do that shit anymore!" Liu says. Liu calms down and gives Jeff a hug. Jeff obviously didn't expect that, and kinda froze. He eventually hugged Liu back. I know he wasn't trying to show it, but Jeff had tears in his eyes. "Sorry Liu." Jeff says and Liu let's go. Liu walks back upstairs and kayden smiles. "Does that mean you're friends again?" Kayden asks. Jeff shrugs. "I mean, maybe." Kayden giggles, which I've never heard her do, and looks at us. "Jeff, I'm sorry for not listening to you." She says. "When I tell you no, I mean no. I'm not trying to be mean, I just want to keep you safe." He says.
Later Janet, Carter and I leave because we had school.

787 words. I finnaly found my motivation!! (It was under my bed) and I have given you another chapter! Hope you liked it!! The video does not belong to me. Hope you have a good day or night!!
-Ze tortoise 🙃

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