the 13 chapter

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I still don't know what to write, so just enjoy this chapter.

(Kayden pov)
"Hey Kayden, can I do your hair?" Sally pleads. I nod and sit in front of her. Jane leaves and we talk about what happened. "Kayden, I know I was mean to you, but, do you think we can be friends?" Janet asks. "Yeah. Do you think James and Carter want to be friends too?" I say. "Should we ask them? If you forgive me, do you forgive them?" Janet replies. I nod.
"You should go talk to them. Maybe they want to be friends too." Sally says while pushing me and Janet to the door. We both go downstairs to see them sitting on the couch. "Hey guys. Uh... Kayden has a question!" Janet says. I glare at her and look back. "Do... Do you want to be friends?" I say, all of a sudden nervous. Both of them look at me in shock, then nod. "Hey Toby? Can we have some waffles?" I ask Toby. He nods. "You'll have to get someone else to make them, since they don't let me cook." Toby mutters. "Why?" James asks. "I might burn the house down." Toby says and goes back upstairs, probably to find his goggles. "Maybe Jeff will make us some." I say while walking upstairs. "Hey Jeff? Can you make us some waffles?" I ask. He nods and walks down the stairs to the kitchen. He makes us waffles and some for Sally and Toby too. When we finish eating James Janet and Carter decide to go home. "My mom's probably freaking out right now." Carter explains. "Probably my sister is too." James says. "My parents don't care. They probably think I'm with my brother." Janet says. They leave and I play with Sally the rest of the day.
That night as I get ready for bed I realize how happy I am to have more friends.

(Carter pov)
Honestly, if I were Kayden, I wouldn't forgive us. We were always so mean to her, and for her to just forgive us just like that, I feel grateful. "Carter, are you ok?" Mom asks. "Huh? Oh, yeah, why?" I say back. "You've been spacing out a lot. Maybe you should go to bed?" Mom says while feeling my head. "I'm fine. I'm just thinking." I say. "Did you have a good time at James house? You tend to plan these trips spontaneously." She says while going back to make dinner. "Oh, yeah. We played video games." I say.
"Oh that's nice." Mom says. "Yeah." We didn't actually play video games, since I never went to James house. I wonder when I will go back. "You have a test tomorrow. Did you study?" Mom asks. "Uh, yeah." Mom nods and hands me a plate.

488 words. I'm so sorry that it's short! I just wanted to put out a chapter as fast as I could! I hope you have a good day or night!!!
-Ze tortoise 🙃

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