The 2nd Chapter.

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~Janet pov~

"See you tomorrow." Is what I said. I knew she was lying. She has this weird imaginary friend, whose name is Jeff. As I was leaving, I thought I saw someone in a tree; watching Kayden. When I blinked he looked at me and disappeared. That was weird. Carter, my friend, came up behind me as Kayden was pulled inside. "What are you doing? Come on, James is waiting for us." I look towards her house again, and I see eyes watching me from the same tree. I get goosebumps while the eyes follow me. "Janet?" I jump as a man in a hoodie jumps from the tree. He had a mask with images of knives. "Carter, run." I scream as I start to run. I turn to see Carter following. We ran to James' house, and when we got inside Carter looked at me confused. "Why did you do that?"

"What happened?" James said while turning off the TV. "Janet made us run all the way here. And she didn't tell me why." I looked out the window to see if he followed us. "There was someone, or something watching us." Carter laughs. "I'm not joking. I saw him. He had a mask with an image of knives.... And he had a white hoodie, and long black hair." I say frantically, trying to explain what I saw. He goes pale. "Come on, let's go to Liam's birthday party." James mutters.

~Kayden's pov~

I put the knife in my drawer and locked it. I don't want mom and dad to see it. I go to close my door as some guests come to say happy birthday to my dear brother. Maybe this is my chance to sneak out. "Kayden! Get our guests some chairs!" Mom yells as I open my window. "Or not." I say, slowly closing it. I go downstairs to get the chairs. When I set them up, I see Janet, Carter, and James standing in the living room. They are always mean to me. I go upstairs before they can say anything to me. I open the window and pull out a rope. I get my hoodie and see it's all dirty. I grab my other one and put it on.

I see James in the doorway as I grab my knife out of my drawer. "Where are you going?" I looked out the window as James turned to go downstairs, probably to snitch. I quickly put the knife in my pocket and jumped out the window. I grab the rope and touch the ground safely. I turn to see James, Carter and Janet run after me. I run until I reach a familiar part of the woods. I turn to see them behind me. I trip, and everything goes dark.

~Jeff pov~

I was going to go to Kayden's house to see how she was doing, because I check on her every few hours, when I saw her and three other people running towards the mansion. What is she doing? I see her trip, and she doesn't get up. and the others stop and fall. Are they ok? They're not moving.... You have to be careful. They could be awake.... Or dead. They could definitely be dead. I slowly approach Kayden when I notice that it is the three bullies that I watch when I'm bored. They are probably dead. Do I have to get rid of the bodies? I don't really feel like it right now. The girl sits up and screams, which honestly startled me a bit. Well, the good thing is they're not dead. So I don't have extra stuff to do. 

~James pov~

Janet screams, making me and Carter look up. We are face to face with a man that has the same description of the person watching Carter and Janet before. He puts a finger over his mouth, technically I should say mask, telling us to be quiet. He picks up Kayden and looks at us for a second. "What is he doing?" I whisper. "Shut up. I'm scared and don't want to find out." Carter says while hugging Janet. The man finally signals us to follow him. He leads us to a mansion and leads us inside. Kayden wakes up after a moment and hugs him. "Jeff!!" She says loudly and very energetic. We look at her shocked. "Jeff's real?!" I yell as she hops down from his grasp.

"Duh, I've been watching her since she was little." He says, as Kayden walks to the kitchen. We follow her and she looks at us like she's trying to remember something. "Did Sally eat my gummy bears?" She says after a while and looks at Jeff. "Ben did." She gasps and runs to a room. Jeff sighs deeply, walking after her, making us walk after him. When we get there is a teenage boy sitting at a computer getting scolded by Kayden. "Sorry. It was there for a week, just sitting there." He said, trying to keep his sanity. She gives him a hug and walks away. "Where are we?" Carter finally says while rubbing the back of his head. Kayden looks at us and sighs. "I can show you the way back if you want." She says and looks in a different direction.

918 words. I hope y'all liked it. Sorry, there is a lot of  pov changes. THIS IS MY AU. None of the pictures belong to me unless I say so. Have a good day or night.
-Ze tortoise 🙃

Edited May 27, 2022

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