The 1st Chapter

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Trigger warning: abuse, bullying, alcohol mentions, and language. If there are any more, tell me!


~Kayden pov~

I walk home from school. I looked in the house through the window, to make sure no one was in the room. No one was there. Good. I can walk to my room without Liam "tattling" on me for doing nothing.

"Kayden, what are you doing?" I turn expecting to see my dad. Instead, I see my friend, Jeff. "Hi Jeff! What are you doing here?" He looks around. "Well, I was seeing if you were home." He says. He wears the mask I made him over his permanent smile. I see Janet coming near my house. "Hey Kayden! Talking to Jeff again?" She says in a mean tone. She can't see him. I look at Jeff, to see he is gone. "No. I'm going inside." I say with a slight smile. "Ok then. See you tomorrow." She says as I walk closer to the door. I'd rather not see you tomorrow. I turn the doorknob. When I open the door, my dad is standing there. I know where this is headed. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me inside. Liam is standing behind him, smirking.

Before I continue, I'll introduce myself. I'm Kayden, and I'm ten. My older brother is Liam, and my dad is stupid. He smells weird all the time, like the special drink he always has. Jeff sometimes has that special drink, but not like my dad. Jeff's name is Jeffery Woods, and he lives in a big mansion in the woods with all his friends. Like aunt Sally, she's 13, and uncle Ben. And Slenderman! He's kinda like my grandpa. What if I just run away to live with them?

"You need to respect your brother! Go help him get ready for his birthday party." Dad said, then he let me go. I don't even know what I did. "Yes sir." I walk to the kitchen. There is a big cake sitting on the counter. Next to it were instructions for me. I picked up the paper. I did what it asked me to. When I got to the last one I grabbed a knife out of the drawer. I looked at it for a little bit. Jeff always says his favorite thing is a knife. He told me that every knife is made perfectly to do one thing, to cut. He says it is the best thing that you could ever have. "Kayden! Where is the knife? Liam wants to cut his cake!" I look towards the dining room. What if I kill my family like Jeff? I took the knife to my dad, as my mom walked through the door.

"Happy birthday Liam! Kayden, I want you to do the laundry." She says, not looking at me. I walk upstairs to my room. I hear tapping on the window, and I open the curtains to see Jeff balancing on the ledge. I open the window and whisper "Jeff?! What are you doing?!" Jeff sheepishly laughs. "Well, I heard it was your brother's birthday." He says while he pulls down his mask. "Yeah. Did you bring him a present?" I say sarcastically. "Nah, I brought you a present, though." My eyes widened, as he handed me a knife. "My own knife!" I say, forgetting to whisper. "Kayden! Who are you talking to?" Oops. I look back and see Jeff behind a tree. I sigh and close my window.

~Jeff pov~

I hide behind a tree. I watch Kayden sigh and close the window. I hope she's happy with her knife. She didn't turn it around. On the other side, I carved her name in it. Maybe she can kill her damn parents. And that brother of hers. I walk to the mansion. When I get inside I see Masky and Hoodie arguing about something. They are talking about where Kayden is going to stay. I asked them the other day if she could come live with us. They asked Slender, who said yes. Now they are arguing where she is going to stay. "She can stay in my room." I say before I think. They stop arguing and look at me. "Why can't she stay with one of the girls? Jane has enough room." Hoodie said while gesturing towards Jane's room. "She can stay in my room, I have an extra bed. Why I have an extra bed is unknown, but I have one." We argued for a little bit, then Masky and Hoodie finally gave up. "Ok. Only because you are the only one with an extra bed." Masky said, starting to walk away. Hoodie followed him and I walked to my room. My room is pretty plain. Except for my knife collection. I have over 500 knives, hidden all around the house. Only 50 are displayed, 49 now.

809 words. I guess this is good. I might do another edit later in the future, but this is good. Hope you enjoyed this edited chapter. My old chapters were so cringy. No pictures or videos belong to me unless I say so. Hope you have an amazing day or night!!!

-Ze tortoise 🙃

Edited May 27, 2022

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