the 9 chapter

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Trigger warning: language and mention of murder.
(James pov)
We came into the mansion after school. When we came inside Jeff was chasing after Ben, and Sally was chasing after Jeff. "What's going on?" I ask the woman. "Ben threw out one of Jeff's knives." She says. "Oh. So is that a ba-" janet starts, but is interrupted by Jeff yelling at Ben. "I am going to shove you into a bathtub!" He yells. "We're just gonna go.." we say. Jeff eventually catches Ben. "Sally, you know what to do." Jeff says. Ben starts to cry uncontrollably. "Why is he crying? It's just water." Carter says. "He has hydrophobia." Kayden says, scaring Carter and Janet. All of a sudden, Ben was out of Jeff's grasp and behind the woman. "Ben, you glitched again." The woman says. He still has tears coming out of his eyes, but it now looks like blood. "How about I go to my room." He mutters, but it sounds glitched. He runs up to his room. "What just happened?" Janet asks. "How about I explain upstairs." Kayden wispers. We go upstairs and she closes the door. "I'm going to tell you what happened to my parents."

(Kayden pov)
I look down and smile. "I killed them." I wisper. "No you didn't. Tell us the truth." James says. "I wasn't gonna tell you, but Ben accidentally glitched in front of you guys." I say looking up. They are pale, as I pull my knife out of my pocket. "I stabbed them. Over and over again. Now I have to get rid of you guys, because you will tell." I say. "Kayden? What is wrong with you? You used to be so innocent, and you used to be nice." Janet says. They want to hurt you. "Go. I don't want to see you guys again." I say. So they run off.

(Carter pov)
"Carter, eat your dinner." Mom says. "Sorry." I say. "Did you hear about that kid at your school? One of them was murdered and the other is missing." Mom says. "Oh really? What happened?" I say trying to look surprised. "No one knows. No sightings of the girl, no murder weapon, nothing." They were stabbed, I know where the murder weapon is, and where Kayden is. "Do you know what happened, Carter?" Mom asks. I shake my head. "You were there a day before they died. Are you sure you don't know anything?" Mom questions. I stand up. "I need to talk to James." I say. And I run out of the house.
"James! I need to talk to you!" I say knocking on the door. His sister opens the door and invites me in. I run up to James room and knock on the door. I go in and look at him. "We need to talk to Kayden." I say. "She told us never to go back." He says. I look out the window and think back to when Janet made sure the curtains were closed. "We are being watched." I say, sure someone is there. And I was right. The man with the goggles is out there. "That's Toby." James mutters. "Should we go talk to him?" James nods. We go outside. "What are you doing?" James yells. "Masky wanted me to make sure you don't come back. He said that kayden didn't want to do it." He says. "Do what?" I say. "Kill you. I don't want to do it either, but Jeff is calming Kayden." He says while pulling out a hachet. Me and James run inside and to his room. We open the door to see him already there. He is about to hit us when kayden comes through the door. "I'm sorry." She says. "What is going on?" James says. "Come with me. I will tell you. I was scared." She says. Toby puts the hachet away and jumps out the  window. We go outside to see him waiting for us. I am scared for what Kayden has to say.

674 words. Hope you liked it!! I'm really happy that I've gotten this far with this story!! No pictures belong to me unless I say so. Hope you have a good day or night!!
-Ze tortoise 🙃

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