The first date!

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Meredith POV

Ok so I planned a really fun date. I know that normally he would ask me out but I wanted to give him a fun night to remember. It was 4:55 so I decided to head over to his house. It takes like 30 seconds to get there. I yelled because I was to lazy to go in and ready to get started. He walked out and we walked hand in hand to the first destination. Laser tag! " I know that this is super childish but it is very fun! Let's go in!" I said. He smiled and agreed. We played for a good hour and a-half. "Haha I won! I am so much better then you!" I joked as we walked out. "That's because I let you win." He said. "Ok sure." I said as we made our way down a alley way. It was 6:30 and time for the next stop. Food. "I'm hungry! Were are we going?"Derek wined. "Babe we are going to get food just be patient. Stop being a baby!" I playfully slapped his arm. "We are here!" I said as I did jazz hands gesturing to a old looking building that had a dusty rusted sign reading 'Joes bar and cafe'. "Just trust me?" I said because he looked grossed out. He nodded and walked in with me. It had a few round tables, a stage, and a bar. The place was lit with fairy lights and dim corner lamps. From the outside you would think this place is filthy and abandoned but the inside is super clean. I laughed at the amazement on his face. "Pretty cool right? I said trust me. Come on let's sit down." I said, walking towards a table. "But there is no one here." Derek said. "Yeah there is. Joe! It's Meredith!" I yelled. Then a heavy set man came from the back. He looks like he could kill you but is very sweet and would not even kill a fly. "Ah. Meredith! So this is the guy? I'll put on some music then come and take y'all's orders." Joe said then walked away. "See I told you. Come on!" I said and we sat down. "How did you find this place?" Derek asked. "I found it when I went on a run on morning." We talked and joked all night. I got a big bacon cheeseburger with pickles. Derek got some nachos. "It's already 9:00? We have to be home by 10:00." Derek said. "Really? I still had one more stop though. We have time though. Let's go!" I said getting up to pay. Joe came out of the kitchen and said "Meredith my treat! Put your money away!" "Thanks joe! Bye!" We said while walking out. I didn't want this night to end. "Ok so I thought that we would end the night with a nice walk in the park." I said. "That sounds nice!" He said. We walked to the park in confutable slince, hand in hand. We stopped at a bench. "I had really fun. Thank you." Derek said. "I had fun too. Thank you for saying yes." I responded. We were sitting for awhile. I checked my watch and it was 9:40. "Ok let's go home." I said. "Ok." He said. We walked home and stopped at my house first. He walked me to the porch. He lended in and kissed me, I returned the kiss. I put my arms around his neck while his hands rested on my hips. The kiss deepened, his tongue asked for permission and I expected. Our tongues danced with each other until... "Meredith!" We quickly pulled away. "What the hell are you doing kissing boys?" My mother asked walking up the stairs of the house. "I don't know. Derek Shepherd why were you kissing me?" I said putting my hands on my hips like my mom. "Um I'm gonna go." He said backing away. "That's a good idea." I said following my mom inside. I went upstairs to my room. I quickly changed into a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I then went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I walked over to my window and opened it. I noticed Derek was in his bedroom. "Hey!" I yelled, throwing a twig at his window. He looked up and opened his window. "Hey." He said climbing onto the platform in the tree. I joined him in the tree. He put his arm around me then I placed my head on his shoulder. We sat like this looking at the stars and enjoying each other's company. We were only out there for 10 minutes. I broke the silence "it's late. I should go inside. Good night." I got up. "Yeah goodbye! See ya tomorrow." He said also getting up. As I was climbing through my window I lost my balance and fell back. I tried to catch myself but it was to late. Boom! Crack! Next thing I know I wake up in a hospital bed. Derek, Mark, and Cristina we sitting around my bed. "What the hell happened?" I asked. "You fell out of your window last night after our date. You have 2 broken ribs and a broken foot."Derek said. "Really? Why are y'all not at school right now? Does my mother know? Was she mad?" I asked getting kinda worried. "School ended 2 hours ago. Your mother does know and doesn't care because she gave up. What ever that means." Cristina said. "Wow. When can I get out of here?" I asked as Dr. Bailey walked in. "Grey you can go home in a few days. We have to let your ribs and foot heal a little bit."

Dereks POV

After the amazing date I went on with Meredith and the amazing kids which ended awkwardly, I walked in my house. As I walked in my mother was down stairs cleaning the kitchen. "Hey honey! How was it?" Mom asked. "It was amazing! I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight I'll tell you all of the details tomorrow. Love you!" I said while walking up stairs. "Goodnight Derek! Love you too." She called after me. I went upstairs and changed quickly then I brushed my teeth. I heard something hit my window. I looked up and saw Meredith at her window. I went over and climbed out of my window. I don't think she can sleep so I climbed out of my window to meet her in our tree. We sat together for about ten minutes and she got up. I was just about to climb inside when I heard the crack. I turned around and saw Meredith falling off of the tree. Shit! I quickly ran downstairs not listening to my mom. I ran to the side of the house to help Meredith. I called 911 and told my mom what happened. She knew that we sit with each other in our tree almost every night. Dr. Grey came out when she heard the sirens. "What happened?" She asked stepping out through their side door. "Meredith fell out of her window and I think that she broke a few bones Dr. Grey." I said trying to sound respectful but I was scared for Meredith so I don't know how the words came out. "Oh well she shouldn't have been that stupid! Don't bother me unless she is dying." She said dryly walking back inside. The ambulance arrived and I asked if I would go with her because she has no one. My mom said yes and she will meet us there. My sisters were all old enough to be home alone so we didn't have to worry about that. We got to the hospital and I waited in the waiting room with my mom for what felt like hours. I decided to call Mark and Cristina.

Conversation with Cristina-

C- "Hello?
D- "hey Cristina. It's Derek. Something happened with Meredith. We are at the hospital right now."
C- "What happened?"
D- "She feel out of her window and broke her leg and a couple ribs."
C- "Ok. Keep me updated. I'll be there tomorrow after school. Are you going to school tomorrow?"
D- "I don't know yet."
C- "Ok well I'm going to bed. Bye."
D- "Bye."

Ok well now I have to call Mark. He will probably kill me for letting his Meredith get hurt. Mark is very protective of her.

Conversation with Mark-

M- "Hi. Why the hell are you calling me at 11:00 at night?"
D- "It Meredith. She fell off of her window and broke a few ribs and a leg."
M- "What! Is she ok? I can't make it tonight but I'll be there tomorrow after school."
D- "I just thought that you would like to know. I'll see you later. Bye."
M- "Bye."

That went very well. The doctors came out and said that she was fine and sleeping right now. Me and mom went home. It was now 2am and I needed sleep. I went upstairs and slept. Mom said I didn't have to go to school tomorrow because of Meredith. I slept in until 1:00pm. I got ready and went to the hospital. I got a sandwich form the cafeteria then sat by Merediths bed. A few hours later Mark and Cristina came. Meredith woke up about 5:00.
"What the hell happened?" We all explained what happened. Mark left about 6:00 to get everyone food while me and Cristina kept Mer company. He arrived with burgers and fries. The doctors said Mer gets discharged in a few days. About 8:00 we all left Mer so she could sleep.

Ok I did it. I re-wrote this like 12 times. Should I keep going with this story? Idk 🤷‍♀️. I tried to make it spicy but it's not so get over it. 😌 ok until next time earthlings!

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