Watch out

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Meredith went through the rest of the day like a ghost. She felt the looks she got as she walked through her day. She doesn't know how she got here  but now she was walking home, by herself. She was lost in her own thoughts. Thinking of how in the world this happened. she started the day with a boyfriend and ended it with no boyfriend and a bunch of people hating her.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard shouting. She looked over to see Mark and Derek screaming at one another.

"I didn't sleep with her!"

"Bloody hell! You are a manwhore! You sleep with veryone!"

"That might be true but Meredith is my best friend! She was there when you weren't! How many times has she lied to you?! How many times has she cheated on you?! She hasn't been anything but loyal to you for over a god damn year! She has been through hell!"

"I don't know who to believe anymore." Derek started running across the road, angrily trying to get away. (He's a runner, he's a track star... -Sorry had to) Not noticing the big red semi-truck coming right for him but luckily someone else did.

Something registered in Merediths mind. The second she saw the truck, she went running.

"Move!" She screamed as She jumped in front of the truck, shoving Derek out of the way. It all happened so quickly. She heard yells and saw flashing lights then was taken over by darkness...

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