Happy birthday

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2 months later

Meredith POV

So today I take my drivers test. Mer relax. You got this! You have your learns permit and have perfected every turn. You have also memorized the whole panel. Nothing can stop you from getting your license. I got dressed quickly and grabbed my bag. I slipped my shoes on and ran to the Shepherds house. I bursted through the door. Everyone was in the living room. "Hey guys! Guess what? It's my birthday which means I take the drivers test today! Yay! And I am going to crush it!" Amy, Derek, Liz, Carol, and Chris all looked up at me. "Happy birthday!" They all yelled. "Thanks! So Chris can you take me there? Please?" I begged. "Yeah of course." He replied, smiling. "Ok we leave in 3 hours. I'm going to hangout with Mark and Cristina. We have a birthday ritual. I'll see y'all later." I said, turning around but before I made it out Derek came behind me. He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. "I love you. Happy birthday Mer." He whispered. "Thanks Bubs. I love you too." I whispered back and faced him. I kissed him on the lips and walked out. I walked to the park and met up with Mark and Cristina. "Happy birthday!" They yelled. Mark bare hugged me and smiled. "Thanks!" I smiled back. "Are we ready?" I asked. "Yep." Cristina said. "Ok." Mark said and took out a lighter, three chocolate chip cookies, and a candle. We sat a picnic table and began. It's a stupid and silly but whatever. Mark lit the candle and we all took a cookie. They sing 'happy birthday' and we all blew out the candle. After the candle was blown out, we took a bite of our cookies at the same time. That's what we do every birthday for each of us. It's fun and weird but that's what makes it ours. We then swing on the swings and play laser tag. That's our tradition.

Meanwhile at the Shepherds

Dereks POV

"So are you sure she will not be back until 7:00?" Asked mom. "Yes mom. I'm sure. Mark and Cristina and Mer have their birthday tradition. Then dad is going to take her to her drivers test. We are fine. Ok let's go through the list once more. Cake?" I asked . "Check. Chocolate cake and strawberry ice cream." Mom said. "Decorations?"    "Check!" Liz and Amy said at the same time.   "Presents?"    "Check!" Said dad. "Are we missing anything?" I asked. "Guess list and food and entertainment." Said dad. "Thanks dad. Ok mom has food, I have the guess list and Amy has the entertainment. Let's get this party ready!" I said. Everyone parted ways and began the tasks. The house was looking like a party 2 hours later. Everything was decorated, all of the food was made, and the live entertainment was on the way. Everyone we wanted to contact and come said that they can make it. 3:00 came around. My dad went and picked up Mer to take her to her driver test. She'll do great. I believe in her and love her. While my dad was gone I finished any last minute items. Everything was perfect!

Merediths POV

Me, Mark, and Cristina had so much fun but now it was time for my drivers test. Chris picked me up and took me to the dmv. He rode with us while I took the test.  I did everything correctly and pasted with flying colors. The first thing I did when I got out was hug Chris. "I did it! I passed! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I yelled. "You are very much welcome dear! Now let's go back to the Shepherd clan." He replied back. "Yeah." I whispered. It felt good to drive. I can't believe that I did it. I wouldn't have with out Chris and the rest encouraging me. We pulled into the driveway and got out. I opened the door with Chris right behind me. "Surprise!" All of my friends yelled. "Omg! You guys did this for me?" I asked, a little taken back. Derek said. "Yes. I love you and you deserve it."  "Thank you. I love you too." I hugged him very tightly and spent the rest of the evening with friends and family. Loving my life. I think I might get my ever-after happy ending anyways.

Ok well I loved writing this. I'm so tired I'll fix the grammar tomorrow. Ok bye! 👋

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