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m4rder33 sent me this idea and the idea on how to end this so big thanks to this person or if ur another creature that's cool too. (I am so sorry Idk your pro-nouns)

Meredith and Derek got to school and went there separate ways for homeroom.

When Derek got to homeroom, everyone was whispering and pointing at him. He sat next to someone, Jamie he thinks is his name.

"What are they whispering and pointing about?" He asked.

"Oh according to Cristina Yang, Meredith lost her virginity to Mark Sloan."

"WHAT? My girlfriend?"

"What are you talking about? According to Cristina, y'all broke up."

"No we are still together!"

Class began and Derek Shepherd was angry. He didn't know who to believe. Is it just rumors or did she really sleep with my best friend? No, Meredith would never snoop that low. Well I did cheat on her first with her worst enemy but Mer isn't like that.

Class ended and it was now time for science class. Derek walked in and sat next to Meredith, ignoring her. Class ended and Derek bolted out before Meredith could say anything.

She walked out and found him by his locker. Time to coner him.

She walked up to him.

"Oh no. You are not getting away this time. What in the hell did I do that is making you so mad that you will not talk to me? I never killed your grandma."

"Really? You know what you did! And Mark? Seriously? I know I hurt you, but my best friend?!"

"I'm still confused."

"You had sex with MARK!"

"NO I DIDNT! Where did you get such idiotic information from?"

"Oh don't you lie."

Meredith had tears in her eyes but she wasn't going to let them fall. "I'm not." She said through gritted teeth.

"I don't believe you."

"So who are you going to believe? The girl that has been there for you since the beginning of freshman year or the people you don't even know? Me or them? They are all just RUMORS! I lost my virginity to YOU!"

Derek didn't say anything, he just had sad eyes and walked away with our saying anything. Now that made Meredith even more mad. Anger, hurt, sadness that Derek Shepherd caused again. She stood there with a expressionless face, motionless. Not ready to face reality. She didn't know how long she stood there until Mark came up to her.

"Hey! What are you doing Mer? Class started 10 minutes ago." He said.

"Derek. I-I think he bro-broke up with m-me." Meredith said as she looked forward, blankly.

"What!? That asshole! I will kill him, I swear! He's a dead man!"

"Mark!" Meredith cut him off. "He thinks that I lost my virginity to you, not him. I never had sex with you. Cristina started those rumors because she was still mad at him. He left me."

"Oh Mer. Come here." Mark took her into his arms. Squeezed her tightly then released. "I'll talk to him. I'll sort it all out."

"He made it pretty clear that he doesn't believe me. He hates me Mark for something I never did."

"I'm gonna kill Cristina and Derek."

"I have to get to class. Already late, so are you."

"Yeah. We will deal with this later."

"Later." Meredith repeated. The two went there separate ways to class. Meredith feeling numb the rest of the day.

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