Dodge the bullet

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Meredith POV

It's been six weeks since I broke my leg. Derek and his family have been helping out a tremendous amount. Mark and Cristina are always over. Alex and George have stopped by but we are growing apart. With my broken leg it has been hard to walk to school so Dereks mom takes me and of course Derek tags along. We both have our permits so only a couple of months till we can drive. He is only 3 months older then me. We just got dropped off at school and we were walking in until I heard a voice call my name. The voice was deep and scratchy. The voice was all to familiar. I turned around to see non other then Thatcher Grey, my dead beat father. I've not seen him in eight years. I was to scared and shocked to respond so I ran (hopped) into school not looking back. What if her hurts me again? Maybe kill me? I made it to the bathroom and locked it then slid down the door. I broke into tears. Next thing I know Derek is calling me to open the door. I unlocked then fell into his arms. He calmed me down. "Shh. I got you. You are safe." He whispered in my ears. "That was my dad." I whispered. I stopped crying and got up. "I'm okay. I'll be okay." "Your okay. Let's just get through the day." And with that being said, we did. We got picked up and watched a movie. I fell asleep in Derek's arms. I felt so safe. I woke up and it was 5:00 a.m. We have school today. I sat up and looked around. I was on Derek's couch. I got up and grabbed my cruches and my bag. I walked home and made it upstairs. I reached my room I fell onto my bed. I got up and ready for school. My cast is coming off today so no more cruches. I made my way downstairs and ate a apple while watching the news. I did not want to bother the Shepherd family more then i have to so I called a cab to the hospital. My appoinment is early. Its a short walk to the hospital but I was to lazy to walk. I got to the hospital around 7:30. I signed in and such. Dr. Bailey came and took my cast off then I walked to school. I made it to school at 8:35 so i was only 5 minutes late. I gave my doctor slip to the office then went to class. Everyone was pretty understanding plus im a good student. I went on with my day. I had science with Derek. "Meredith I told you that I would take you to the hospital. Its no trouble." Derek said. "Its fine Derek. I made it there and back. I have no more cast so its a great day! Plus its sunny! Lets just enjoy the day!" I said. "Ok Mer whats gotten into you?" Mark said sitting behind us in class. "Im just having a good day." i responded to his comment. Class started and i finshed the day. I walked home with Cristina because Mark and Derek had baseball try-outs. We hung out at my house watching movies and talking. "Hey I want a milkshake and fries. You want to go get some food?" i asked Cristina. "Yeah sure." She said. We walked to Joes, We hung here all the time last year. We went in and ate then she went home. I went home then went to sleep. I woke up with a bad feeling something was going to happen today. I got up and did my normal routine, then headed outside to wait for Derek. We walked to school making small talk and such. We arrived at school and i heard the same deep scarchy voice call my name. I turned around, praying that it was not what i thought it was. Of course i was wrong. I saw Thacher. Before i could run, It was too late. I felt a hand on my mouth and warm breath on my neck. It smelled like scotch. i then felt many punches. Pain shoots throughout my whole body. Suddenly i go limp and fall to the floor. I heard screaming and yelling. That didnt stop him from kicking and punching me some more. I felt weak.  Thats not all. I then hear a gun shot and everything around me goes black...

Dereks POV

Meredith and I walked to school like usual. A drunken voice called Merediths name she looked scared. She had the same look she had when she saw her father. I followed her gaze to the same man. Her father. Out of no where he came behind Meredith. He put his hand around her mouth then strangled her with his arm. I didn't know what to do so I sreamed for help. The principal came out and called 911. He continued to punch and kick her harder each time. Many people gathered around and attempted to pull him off but no one was successful. The cops showed up and got him off of her. She was laying there unconscious. A gun shot went off. It hit Meredith directly in her chest. Everyone looked to see where the shot came from but no one knew. I started to ball my eyes out and hyperventilate. Until I passed out too...

Very short chapter. Sorry about that but wow interesting. I had no clue how to word this chapter so please don't judge my bad grammar. The next chapter will be longer I promise earthlings and aliens 👽👯‍♀️

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