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Meredith POV

Me and my mother got into a fight about how I woke up late. She started to freak out and call me names. I was use to it by now so I just calmly locked the door behind my ferrous mother. I jogged to school. It was pretty refreshing just to think. I arrived to school and I am greeted by non other then my best friends George, Alex, and Cristina. "Your back!" Yelled George in a exciting voice.  "Mer, what's wrong? Are we in the dark place?" Asked Cristina.. She knows me better then I know me. "Yes we are  in the dark place. My mother and I got into a fight this morning but that's not anything new." I said. "I'm glad you're back, mer. We've missed you around here." Said Alex. The bell rang and I was off to my first class, science. Alex and George were also in this class. "Alright class, your science partners this year are Alex and George, Jason and John, Meredith and Derek, Christian and Mark." This is my smallest class. Great I got paired with my neighbor that thinks my mom is some... something. We took our seats
and class began. Took my notes and we had our first science project. It was easy and simply, a volcano. I made one in 4th grade. "So do you want to work on this project tonight?" Derek asked me. "Yeah. My house 3:00 today?" I say "yeah that works.see you then." He said. I was barely awake. I had no energy left by lunch. "Hey so how was math? I hate Mr.Davidson he is so mean and perky. I have him for 1st period." Said Cristina. "He wasn't to bad. I guess." I replied tiredly. I ate a banana for lunch because I don't eat a lot since my mom is never home. I made it through the day. I mean barely but I made it. I got home and went upstairs then the doorbell rang. I forgot
about the science project. I just wanted to sleep. I opened the door "Hello. Come in." I answered trying to sound friendly. "You seem tired." He said loudly and happily. "Yeah that was loud. I have a headache. Anyways this way to the kitchen." We came into the kitchen and I grabbed 3 ibuprofen and a cup with sink water. I took my medicine.
"Nice house. You took 3 pills. You know that can kill you right?"
"It's fine. I'm probably going to die soon anyway from starvation. My mom is never home so she doesn't buy food and doesn't cook. I never learned how. Ok can we just get the project done?" "Um...yeah!"
We did our project and only talked about the project.   

Dereks POV

When I came over, Meredith kind of worried me. She was skinny and took 3 pills when the requested amount is 1. I noticed that she only ate a banana for lunch witch seemed sorta off. Anyways when she told me that her mom never buys food or cooks it explained why Meredith doesn't have a appetite. We worked on the project until the bell rang. Meredith got up and answered.
"Hello, Richard. What are you doing here?"
"I came to bring some food because I know your mother hasn't bought any food and you like to stave yourself."
"Well it's not like I mean too. Come on in." 
The man walked in and sat down at the bar right next to me.
"Hi, I'm Richard Webber. Nice to meet you." Holding out a hand.
"Hi, I'm Derek Shepherd. Nice to meet you too." He placed the groceries and the fast food bag on the counter.
"Meredith I got you a burger and some fries. Eat up I know you need to."
"Ok I will. Thank you so much."
She started eating so fast. I have never seen someone eat that fast in my life! She devoured 2 burgers and a large fry in less then 5 minutes.
"Ok slow down. Don't choke."
"I've not had a real meal in over 2 months. My meals have been goralbars  and bananas."
I felt bed that she was staving. She put all of the food up, gave Richard a hug the he left. We finished our project and I went home. When I got home I went up stairs and Meredith was sitting on her bay window reading and eating a granola bar. Her window was open and I just watched her for a little while until she looked up and right out her window. Some one was shouting. I know her from school, it's Cristina Yang yelling for Meredith to drop a rope latter. I was confused. Yang started climbing up the side of her house!

Meredith POV

So while me and Derek where working on our project the door bell rang. I knew who it was because before we moved to Boston he would do this every 2 months. We never brought a lot. I answered the door and greeted him. He brought me Mac and cheese, eggs, a bag of cheese, some bananas, protein bars,a case of Dr.Pepper, and some cheese puffs. It was enough for me. My last meal was when some family invited me over for dinner. He left then Derek left and I went up to my room to read. I read and eat a granola bar. I heard a yell and Cristina was right on time. I'm not aloud to have people over when my mom is mad at me. Which is a lot. So she had to climb up my window. She lives across the street from me. I noticed that Derek watches me read through the window. I don't mind it because he's harmless and I think he finds me attractive. Which was cool because nobody has ever thought of me as attractive before. Cristina climbed up and through the window. My window opened like a door. I always keep my window open so did Derek.

Nobody's POV

Derek could hear the conversation. 

C - "So is this what I have to do every-time you and your mom get into a fight?"
M - "Yeah. You know I'm always doing something wrong. I'm a 'disappointment and a good for nothing human' according to my mother. Evil Ellis."
C - "Yeah. I heard y'all fight this morning. The whole neighborhood hear her."
M - "Not surprised."
C - "So How did the project with Mcdreamy go?"
M - "It went fine."
C - "okay"
They just talked and talked for 2 hours.

Dereks POV

I could hear Meredith and Cristina talk and talk. Merediths voice was so soft and her laugh made my heart warm. She is so pretty. From there conversation I think that she might like me. I like her and want to get to know her. She has only been in town for 3 days so tomorrow I'm going to ask her if she wants to hang out. The next morning Meredith was walking out of her house so I decided to run up and ask her
D - "Hey so I was wandering if you wanted to hangout with me and my friend Mark."
Mer - "Um... I.. um. I don't know. My mom is mad at me again today. But she is never home so I guess I can."
D - "Okay. Well my mom doesn't allow people over after school though."
Mer - "My mom wouldn't be home till tomorrow if y'all want to come over after school."
D - "okay! See you then!"
I just embarrassed myself so much. Anyway I got through the school day talking to Mark. I don't have many other friends. Just Mark, Owen, and Jackson. So I rang the door bell and Meredith answered with a smile.
Mer - "hi!"
D and Mark - "hey"
Cristina was over.
C - "hey Shepherd! Mark."
Cristina doesn't really like Mark. Her and Mark don't like each other at all.
Mark - "Yang"
We went up to Merediths room.
D - "Wow. You like to read?"
Mer - "yeah favorite thing."
D - "cool"
We got to know each other. We all hung out and laughed for 3 hours. Then Merediths mother yelled "Meredith. I'm home. Get down here! NOW!" She said coldly and a little angry. All of us heard Meredith talking to her mom.
"Hello mother." Meredith said while walking down the stairs
"Hello Meredith. Why do you have a 79 in Science and a 75 in math? You are Ellis Grey's daughter. These are the two classes that you should be passing!"
"I'm sorry mother. It's only the 1st week-"
Her mother cut her off.
"I don't want to hear your excuses!"
"I'll bring them up" she sounded scared.
"You better! I raised you to be extraordinary not ordinary!"
Meredith spoke up. "You want to know why I'm so ordinary? So normal? You! You are why I'm such a disappointment! Dad never wanted me and you have NEVER been there! The only person I have is Richard Webber. That's only because you decided to sleep with him then he went back to his wife! He never shut me out. You ALWAYS shut me out and never loved me! So either start to love me and encourage me or stay out of my life! You are already pretty good at it!" The door slammed and Ellis walked out. Meredith came upstairs with an angry expression on her face.

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