Driving lesson

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So I've been gone for a whole week. Yesterday was Dereks birthday and we FaceTimed but not the same thing. He thinks we get here tonight but we landed an hour ago. Me and my mother are sitting in the car driving home. I hate going to medical conferences. Boring! We finally pulled up to the house. I quickly grabbed my bag and headed upstairs. I put my stuff down and walked over to Derek's house. The Shepherds have gotten use to me just walking in. When I walked in, Chris was downstairs watching tv along with Carol, Dereks mom. "Hey guys!" I said sitting down beside them. "Hey Meri. I thought y'all didn't get back until tonight." Carol said. "Yea well we decided to come back early. Chris are you still up for taking me driving?" I said with pleading eyes. "Sure. How about tomorrow around noon?" He said. "Um sure! That works." I got up and went to Derek's room. "Hey" I said casually sitting on his bed. He was at his desk reading. He was wearing shorts and no shirt. He looked hot. "Your back!" He yelled jumping on me. "Yeah I am. Did you miss me? I missed you." I replied. "Yea I missed you." He rested his head on my stomach while I played with his hair. I slipped off my flip flops and we both dosed of to take a nap. I feel asleep with the man I love.

The next day

I woke up in Dereks arms. I looked at my phone and it was 11:00 am. Chris is going to give me a driving lesson in an hour. I wiggled out of Dereks arms and stole some of his sisters clothes then headed downstairs. I was greeted by a fully clothed Chris with keys in his hands. "You ready?" He asked. "Yep. Let's go." I said smiling ear to ear. I got into the drivers seat and put the keys into the ignition. Chris walked me through the every control. I stated driving but I went back wards. I hit a mailbox but no damage. "Ok let's try again." Chris said after having a panic attack. "Ok." I put he car in gear and pulled forward. Every couple of yards Chris would say "good job" or "don't hit that mailbox". I ended up hitting 3 mailboxes and swerving two times to avoid  animals in the middle of the road. We walked into the house arguing. "Well it's not my fault. The mailbox was just there."   "A mailbox isn't 'just there' you weren't staying on the road."    "You know I swerved to not hit that dog and raccoon. Plus your car is perfectly fine." Our argument was cut short by Carol breaking us up. "Where is Derek?" I asked. "He's with Mark at the park." Carol replied. "Ok." I walked to the park.

No ones POV

"She really is a handful." Said Chris. "Yeah she is but we keep her around." Replied Carol. The happy couple were sitting in the living room. "Don't tell the girls but she is my favorite. That girl is going to be the death of me. Mark my words Derek is going to marry her. I am going to walk her down the aisle along with Richard Webber." Chris said sipping his tea. "She is going to be the death of us all. She deserves everything good. She's too good for him. Way too good. I can't wait for grandkids." Carol said. "Yeah me too." Chris replied.

Ok back to Merediths POV

I walked through the woods in my backyard taking a short cut to the park. I saw Derek and Mark sitting on a bench worn out. They look like the just finished basketball. "Hey." I said as I walked up to them. "Hey Mer!" Derek said getting up. He kissed my cheek then sat back down. "How long have y'all been playing?" I asked. "About 2 hours. How was the driving lesson?" Asked Mark. "I hit 3 mailboxes and almost hit 2 animal. It could have been better." I replied. "Y'all want to get ice cream?" Asked Derek. "Sure." Me and Mark replied at the same time. Derek drove us to the ice cream parlor. I got strawberry ice cream in a cone so did Mark and Derek got vanilla in a cup. We sat together and talked. Me and Mark have gotten close as friends. Closer then me and Cristina. Weird right? Man whore and i are besties. We finished our ice cream then headed back to Derek's. They both changed and showed while i talked with Carol and Chris. They came back down and we met up with Cristina to eat dinner at our favorite diner. We ate and made light talk then  Cristina left. Me, Mark, and Derek all drove to Derek's and spent the night. We watched movies, had a huge food fight then we got yelled at, and enjoyed the night. I feel so fracking happy right now. Hanging out with the people I love.

Heyyy! Thanks for reading! Hope y'all liked it.

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