Chapter 21: Supremacy

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The flyers where spread around all Fracture City, sent out by the wind in all directions from the top of the HoC building

Lorena: Not the fastest way, but it'll get the job done!

Lorena starts laughing as Rayne and Zack return to her office for the scouting

Rayne: We are ready great leader

Lorena: Good, let us commence!

Rayne, Zack and Lorena left the building so did the others and each went to their assigned locations, after the scouting was done the team managed to gather 50 new members that would work under each of the leading branches, Each branch led by a original member, Rayne, Marney, Clarice, Zack, Courtney, Samael and Christine. Things where going according Lorena's plan, but after 4 weeks, things started to change

Lorena: *cough cough*

Lorena was vomiting on the bathroom

Lorena: What's going on!? Am I getting sick!?

Dervilio: No, your not, It is quite obvious what's going on you idiot, so how will you tell Samael he's going to be a Father!?

Lorena's eyes opened wide as the thought of having a child never crossed her mind, she was shocked and part of her true self started to come out through the cracks of the angry and shallow doble persona she had become

Lorena: I'm... I'm going to be a mother!?

Dervilio: Well no shit... Don't tell me you're letting her get through to you again... You know what we agreed on

Suddenly Lorena placed her hand on her stomach and then smiled

Lorena: A new impressionable mind to convert into Compassion! Hehehe... Hahahahaha!!!!

Dervilio laughed a bit and said

Dervilio: Good thinking, but remember your mission, Lorena, do not let this give strength to that other you

Lorena stood up and started walking towards Samael's room

Lorena: Don't worry voice, I won't let that happen

Lorena reached Samael's room and acted as normal as possible, she knocked on the door and she quickly heard back

Samael: It's open, you can come in!

Lorena opened the door to find Samael reading a book

Samael: Oh Lora! It's you! What brings you to my room!?

Lorena smiled a bit and sat down next to Samael

Lorena: Sam, I have to tell you something

Samael closed his book and placed it on the table, Lorena caught a glimpse of its cover and it was a book on Design and Aesthetics

Samael: What is it Lora!?

Lorena smiled and hugged him and quickly said

Lorena: You're going to be a Father!

Samael's jaw dropped as he hugged Lorena back slowly in disbelief

Samael: Wait what!? Are- are you serious!?

Lorena let him go and sat back down

Lorena: Yes! I'm serious!!! You're going to be a Father!

Samael couldn't believe what he was hearing but he was really happy to hear it

Samael: These are great news!!! Ah! We must tell everyone about this right now!!!

Suddenly Lorena's expression turned from Happy to angry

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