Chapter 5: Origin part 5

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Rayne took Lorena to her house and took her to bed

Rayne: I don't know what happened to ya, but you're pretty beat up, so rest up will ya? I'll make somethin' to eat

Lorena nods unconsciously and falls fast asleep

Rayne: Yeah, ya rest up Lora

Rayne leaves the room to go make something to eat while Lorena was living hell inside her own head

Dervilio: You did fantastic Lorena! Great job!!! You killed your family exactly how you should've! There's still those other two to deal with but you'll get them soon enough! Isn't vengeance sweet!?

Satrinity: Shut up! You are the devil reincarnate! Don't listen to him Lora, what happened happened, we can't change the past... but we can strive for a better future, just set your sights straight and aim to change the world in a meaningful way, you know what hate, anger and sadness can do to someone, try to make sure it never happens to anyone ever again, I believe in you Lora!

Dervilio: You've always been the type to cheer one up even in the biggest fuck ups of their lives heh?! Well you never could change anything, what makes you think this low life scum who just ended her parents can change the world? It would take a whole miracle to do! You think she could do that!? Huh?

Satrinity: Well yes I do, I believe in my descendants unlike you, it's because of you your family is gone from the map Dervilio, and I won't let you do that to mine.

Dervilio: You're out of your mind, who ended my family was none other than you, mister "justice"... And this is why I'll take my revenge, even if I have to make all of them suffer...

Satrinity: You sick minded freak

Dervilio: You never where good with cussing, but let me give you a little advice, I'm ending your fucking family Even if it's the last thing I'll do

Lorena suddenly wakes up screaming


Rayne runs to the rooms with a very worried expression

Rayne: Lora ya Alright!? What happened!?

Lorena calms down a bit and puts her hand on her right eye

Lorena: It-Its nothing... Sorry if I worried you

Rayne: Hey it's Alright Lora, ya know I'm like ya sister, I'm here if ya need me!

Lorena: Thanks Rayne, man i'm hungry

Rayne: Yer in luck! Foods almost done!

Lorena: That's perfect, thanks Rayne

Rayne: No sweat it, now let's go, ya gotta lot of explainin' to do

Lorena and Rayne go to the dinner table and Lorena sits as Rayne serves her food

Rayne: Now, eat up and tell me whaddup

Lorena takes a bite and looks straight into Rayne's eyes

Lorena: Rayne, I killed my parents...

Rayne chokes on the water she was drinking

Rayne: Ya what now!?!?

Lorena: Yeah... It's as you heard, I killed both of my parents, I burned them...

Rayne: Wha... Why would ya do that? Lora you're fuckin' insane! I knew ya parents where nut cases but this is just too far!

Lorena looks down and her voice starts cracking up

Lorena: I-i Know I'm a psycho, and I understand if after learning this you don't want to be my friend or take care of me anymore... But at least listen to what I have to say Rayne

Rayne: I never said that, I am a bit shocked but I'm like ya sister, I won't leave you like this, you need someone more than ever

Lorena: Thank you, Rayne...

Lorena explains everything to Rayne, the voices in her head and the things that made her do, but she also spoke about wanting to change the future as she told Rayne

Lorena: And I know I can't redeem for what I did, this sin will follow me till the end, but I can't change the past so I am damn willing to change the future of this world, this world is lacking in compassion, in empathy and in morals, and it's my goal to change that and bring justice to this world, so what do you say Rayne? Will You help me bring compassion to this world? And bring a house to all those in need?

Rayne looked at Lorena then looked out the window as the sun started to set, a spark in her eye lit up as she told Lorena

Rayne: Aight, I'm in, Lora... This is all a bit too crazy for me but I trust ya and I said I'll always be there for ya so I'm in

Lorena smiled

Lorena: Thanks Rayne, let's make a difference on this word, House of Compassion That's what we'll call ourselves

Rayne: Heh, sounds good to me!

Lorena and Rayne go over the details and start planning everything over the weekend, House of Compassion was the stepping stone and the start of change for the whole world, but will it be enough?

Satrinity: This was a great idea Lorena, as long as you keep following this path to peace, compassion and care for others this world will be a better place and no one will have to suffer the same as you did

Lorena: Yeah, this world is in need of change, and I'll make sure I bring it!

Lorena spoke with a determined face, but something about her was off, will she follow the path she herself put in front? Or will her anger make her drift apart?

Origin Arc part 1
The end

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