Extra: To help the ones in need (Pilot)

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This world is unfair... This world is rotten, in today's day an age people just don't care if you feel alright or if you're good or not, they only care of what good you bring them, of what pleasure you bring to the dinner table... They don't care if your hurting, they don't care if your sad... All they care about is the goodies you bring with you... And for all those who could never satisfy the greedy we are here for you, WE care for you, it doesn't matter if you have money or are successful, it doesn't matter if you bring good news or not, as long as you have a good heart you're always welcome in the House of Compassion, I'm Lorena Starnaly and I welcome all to salvation!

A sheet of paper flew around the streets with the message written in it, the sky seemed gloomy as a fierce storm approached Fracture city, the year is 2075...

Homeless man: What else can I do!? I have no home, I have no money! I gave you everything for our daughter and I would gladly give more but I have nothing left!

A poor homeless man sat on a side walk as a woman with very expensive clothing was accompanied by 2 police officers

Woman: Well, you haven't payed this month Dave, and our daughters things won't pay themselves

Dave: Oh yeah!? If there's no money to pay for her things how come you have money for designer clothing and a fancy car!?

The woman looked angry

Woman: That's none of your business! Guards, take em

Dave: At least in prison I'd be better off

The police officers arrest the man when suddenly the piece of paper with the message flew by and landed on Dave's hand

Dave: What is this?

Suddenly 3 mysterious people in black cloaks came and knocked the Police officers out

Person 1: Dave, we know you're suffering and we came to aid you, come with us, you will suffer no more

The woman was furious and pulled a taser out of her purse

Woman: Who the hell do you think you are!?

Person 2: We're the House of Compassion, and we help those in need

Person 2 grabs the woman by the hand stopping her taser

Person 3: And we aim to stop the injustice and suffering of this world, by the vision of our leader and the voice of the unknown we will stop any injustice and rid of people who only desire is to harm

Person 3 takes out a bat and hits the woman on the knee

Person 2: This is only a warning, we know ya don't truly want to harm Dave, Miss Cristal, ya just want the easy life so we'll let it slide, but if ya try anything, we know who you are and we will kill ya

Cristal scared to death stood up and got on her car and drove away

Dave: Why did you guys save me like that and who are you?

Person 1: We told you didn't we? We give passion and compassion those in need and help anyway we can

Person 2: And to answer the question I'm Rayne Pelinton

Person 3: And I am Zack Pelinton!

Person 1: And I am Lorena Starnaly at your service

They took off their cloaks to reveal their faces, and with that the House of Compassion helped their first victim....

2 years later

Lorena: As you all know, the House of Compassion help those in need, those suffering of the injustice of this world, but you must be wondering why!? Why go through all the trouble of helping others!? Well, have you ever heard a voice that told you you can't do it? You are worthless? A voice that said end it all? Well, if you have, you know how horrible it feels and if you haven't look into your heart and look at how much those that do suffer, you don't like it, right? This is why helping those in need is important cause you are avoiding the same suffering on others and in turn turning yourself into a better person and unlocking a spot in the place above, the salvation for those who live with Passion and Compassion.

Dave: To all our new members, welcome! Feel at home! Cause things are just getting started!

Suddenly the door of the building they where in busted open and 2 people busted in

Lorena: What!? Cosmos and Sorany? What are you two doing here!? Come to join and help those in need!?

Cosmos: Cut the crap Lorena, we know what you did 5 years ago, it's over...

Lorena: What!? What are you guys talking about!? HAVEN'T YOU TWO MAKE ME SUFFER ENOUGH!? YOU FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT, I KNEW I SHOULD'VE KILLED YOU TWO AS WELL... I hate my loving heart... but nothing compares to the hatred I have for you two...

Sorany: It's too late now, Lorena... but if you come peacefully things might go better for all of us

Lorena: Fuck you... The voice told me IT IS NOT OVER YET! My fellow Compassionist, throw them out, kill them if you have too... They are no longer my family, what am I saying, they haven't been for a long time

Lorena's followers start to get angry and try to kick Cosmos and Sorany out

Cosmos: Lorena, tell them to stop and do this peacefully, we don't want anyone to get hurt

Cosmos activated a barrier around him using a necklace he has protecting him and Sorany from the cultist

Lorena: My mission on this earth is unfinished...

The End

House of Compassion Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now