Chapter 8: The start of change

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4 Days later

Dervilio: Things might have been going well, going smoothly, but don't forget what got you here Lorena, it's time for change but if you can't control yourself you will lose your own purpose, will you be able to maintain that control forever? I wonder...

Lorena suddenly wakes up with a really fast heart beat as she looks around and sees nothing but Rayne's room

Lorena: Wha- What just happened!? I haven't heard those voices in a while why now!? Why when I'm so close...

Lorena anxiously started to hyperventilate remembering what happened last time she heard that voice

Satrinity: Calm down Lora

Lorena: Satrinity... You've come back too? But why? Why now!? Why Again?

Satrinity: There's insecurity inside your heart Lora, you are feeding him making him stronger, you might think you forgot and left it behind, but your head still has that fresh in your consciousness and even if you don't think about it there's still insecurities in you, I'm here to try and stop that and protect you

Lorena kept hyperventilating as she tries to formulate words

Lorena: I- I- I need to g-get rid of him... Now

Satrinity: Calm down Lorena you're only doing what he wants, just calm down and keep moving forward, he can't hurt you unless you let him do so

Suddenly a voice is heard from the rooms door

Zack: Hey yo Lora, Rayne told me to come check on you, she says foods ready

Lorena takes a deep breath and slowly stands up

Lorena: Alright I'll be there in a sec

Lorena gets dressed and head's downstairs

Rayne: Hey Lora! Good mornin'! How are ya!?

Lorena hesitates to tell Rayne What just happened

Lorena: Um well uh I'm fine! Yeah! How about you two?

Zack: Well I'm pretty Alright, just waiting on sis to finish so I can head out

Rayne: Yeah yeah, i'm almost done, and well I'm good Lora

Rayne knew something was off but stood quiet

Rayne: Here, eat up Zack so ya don't miss the train

Zack grabs the food and places it in a lunch box that can heat and cool objects with a push of a button

Zack: I'm off, see y'all

As Zack leaves Lorena looks over her shoulder as she feels someone is watching her but no one was there

Rayne: Lora, don't ya lie to me, I know somethin's not right

Rayne turned around to see Lora crying and scratching gently her right arm

Rayne: Lorena, what are ya doing!?

Lorena didn't respond and just started to scratch faster her anxiety levels where rising as she felt someone watching her, a reminder of memories from the past that she wanted best forgotten

7 years ago

Yelena: Sirius... Don't you think you're going too far with this one?

Sirius: No. I told you Yelena this is what she deserves, she needs to learn that her mediocrity is not acceptable in our family

Sirius locks Lorena inside a dark room with nothing but a chair with a doll on it, this doll always watched Lorena and from time to time her eyes would glow red and she would start to say in a little haunted girl voice

House of Compassion Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now