Chapter 6: The new beginning

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Two months later

Rayne: Hey yo Lora, I think I found the perfect place to settle, this crazy plan is starting to come together! I met someone ya might want to talk to, I think ya will like her!

Rayne speaks with Lorena on the phone

Lorena: Oh really!? Fantastic, I've been setting up on all the paperwork and things needed for this, and I decided on the logo too!

Rayne: Well great, it's settled, let's meet at the usual place, ya hungry? Our new friend here wants us to meet her at the restaurant cross the street

Lorena: Well I could use a bite, let's go!

Lorena packs up all her things and walks to the gas station, the usual place where she and Rayne meet

Lorena: Wonder who this person she's referring to is, I hope what she says is true, I could use a new member!

Lorena arrives and sees Rayne sitting on the sidewalk

Rayne: Bout time ya showed up!

Lorena: Hey come on I didn't take that long! There's a lot of papers you know!?

Rayne: Yeah yeah I know! I was just joking with ya, well ya ready?

Lorena: Yeah, let's see who's this person you want me to meet!

Rayne and Lorena walk to the restaurant across the street and enter it

Rayne: I had a reservation at table 4

Receptionist: Table 4? Alrighty, right this way ma'am, miss Ross is waiting

Rayne and Lorena walk to the table and as Lorena looks she sees a woman with red hair and pale skin, with an extreme amount of makeup, sitting seriously at the table, she suddenly turns her head and sees Rayne


She jumps off the table and gives Rayne a big hug

Miss Ross: AND YOU MUST BE LORENA!!! SO GOOD TO MEET YOU!!! Come come have a seat my friends!!! You guys look great today!!!

Lorena: It's good to meet you too um, miss Ross?

Miss Ross: Please, Call me Clarice!!!

Lorena, Rayne and Clarice all have a seat

Rayne: Clarice! It's great to see ya again! How have ya been!?

Clarice: I've been good, I've been good! I already prepared everything for you guys on the new place! It's a 20 floor building with a pretty large garden and a additional living quarters, it also has a fountain! Since Rayne described the plan you guys have as a organization that helps people I thought finding a building pretty big with a couple of things to be escencia! Especially with living quarters!

Lorena: That sounds really impressive Clarice! You've been working pretty hard on this haven't you!?

Clarice: YOU THINK I'M DOING A GOOD JOB!?!? AAAHHH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I've been doing my best to be useful! Rayne was the only person who has come to my work place who's Actually been nice to me, I will do anything I can to help!

Rayne: Hey come on! We should be the ones thanking ya! You've been way more than helpful Clarice!

Lorena: Yeah! And I can see you haven't exactly been having the best life working as a real estate agent, and even if we aren't done yet we still show compassion to those in need of it!

Lorena shows both Rayne and Clarice the paper work detailing the HoC logo, uniforms, mission, vision and motto
"Compassion to spread, a home for all"

Lorena: I have been working really hard on the morales and the things we as an organization need to work on, and this is what I decided to come up with!

Rayne and Clarice carefully look at everything

Rayne: Is this gonna be my Uni?

Lorena: Well yeah! You can change it if you'd like

Rayne: I love it!!! It looks really cool!

Clarice: Lorena, you are showing me all this and saying you'd show compassion towards me, does this mean?!

Lorena: Yes, would you like to join the HoC!?

Clarice tears up and runs to hug Lorena

Clarice: Yes... Thank you for getting me out of that hell of a job, I was only following the family tradicion, but that's just not me not who I am, when Rayne came towards me for some help I was really not excited at all, but when she told me what you guys wanted to do it set a spark in my heart, I wanted to be like you guys and spread compassion, my heart was empty but you guys sparked a light in it, thank you, both of you

Clarice starts crying but suddenly gets a huge mood swing


Rayne: Oh Clarice

Rayne giggles and places her hand on Clarice's head

Rayne: As soon as we have them done ya will be the first to get the uni Clarice!

Clarice opens her eyes in awe and jumps to hug Rayne

Clarice: RAYNEEEE!!!

Clarice tears up again

Clarice: Thank you! Both of you! This really does mean a lot to me

Lorena: No problem Clarice! Welcome to the team! Now I decided since you like helping people and you are really enthusiastic and care for compassion, I think you could be our new Recruiter!

Clarice: A recruiter!?

Clarice stops hugging Rayne and looks at Lorena

Clarice: You really think an annoying person like me could work as your recruiter!? I'll just push everyone away... Like I always do...

Rayne: Hey! Don't Say those things, ya know that's just not true!

Rayne puts both her hands on Clarice's shoulders

Rayne: Ya are not annoying in the slightest, Lora here might not seem so bright

Lorena: I heard that!

Rayne: But she really does know a lot by just looking at people or things, and if she says she thinks ya cut for the job then ya are! And I also believe that too! Ya are a very good person for this job, ya might not realize it cause ya too shy, but when you open up and be ya self, you have a lot of Compassion in ya heart, and that's exactly what we need as a recruiter!

Lorena: Couldn't have sayed it any better!

Clarice: You- You guys really believe this!? Everyone... Even my mom says I'm annoying as shit, do you guys really believe everything you just said?

Rayne: We do, why else you think I brought you to talk with Lorena? I knew you'd be perfect for HoC!

Clarice tears up yet again but not as enthusiastic as before, she seems a bit more serious

Clarice: Thank you, both of you

She hugs Lorena and Rayne

Clarice: Well until next time! We'll keep in touch! I have to go do somethings but if you guys need anything you have my number!

Lorena: Alright! Thank you for everything Clarice!

Rayne: We'll see you soon!

Clarice waves as she leaves the restaurant

Rayne: Wait, I just realized we haven't even eaten

Lorena: Wait, I forgot we where in a restaurant

Suddenly Clarice comes running back


Clarice runs back to the table and sits

Clarice: So ladies, what will we be having for lunch!?

The end

House of Compassion Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now