Chapter 17: Party after fall part 3

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Clarice: Rayne, i'm going to the bathroom real quick! I have to use it!

Rayne looked at Clarice and by her physical appearance knee something was off

Rayne: Well alright Clare, ya okay?

Clarice tried to look strong and answered with a smile

Clarice: Yes! I just don't feel to well from my stomach! It's probably just duty calling!

Rayne was worried but didn't want to pressure Clarice too much

Rayne: Alright then! If anythin' gimme a call will ya?

Clarice: Yeah! I will!!!

Clarice left to the bathroom as Rayne sat down to rest her legs a bit

Marney: I'll show you all what I can do!

Zack: You can't beat me! I'm a master dancer!!!

Rayne giggled at the rest as they were having a fun time parting

Samael: You guys sure are wild! Let's see what each of you have!

They all kept parting as Rayne watched

Samael: Hey Rayne, what's on your mind? You seem kinda off, don't you want to keep having fun?

Rayne looked at Samael then at the rest of the group

Rayne: I'm just worried Clarice might be doing somethin' bad, but I can't go check cause I don't want to make her feel pressured

Samael: I see, where did she go?

Rayne: She said she'd be going to the bathroom

Samael looked at the hall and answered

Samael: I'm Pretty sure Lora is in the bathroom right now, if anything Lora will be there so don't worry! But if you want my advice I really suggest on go checking on her

Rayne looked at Samael and then at her hands

Rayne: Can I really help her, Sam?

Samael giggled and slowly started walking towards the others parting while saying

Samael: Remember what you are, remember the compassion you carry in your heart, only you can help her now Rayne, so go! I'll be rooting for you both!

Samael went back to parting as Rayne reassured herself and started walking towards the bathroom only to find Lorena coming into the party hall

Rayne: Heyo Lora! Where ya been!?

Lorena: Ah! I was at the bathroom! Just washing up a bit!

Rayne: I see, did ya see Clarice there? She said she wasn't feeling well

Lorena: Ah yeah! I did, she said she was going to rest up a bit! She went to her room

Rayne: Well then, I'll go have a look

Lorena grabbed Rayne by her shoulder and said

Lorena: Rayne, do You know what is really going through Clarice's head?

Rayne stood quiet not knowing what to answer

Lorena: I see, alright go check up on her, I'm sure she'd be happy to see you!

Rayne: Alright, and I really don't know much of what's happening in her head, but I will find out Lora, I will spread my compassion, ya don't worry!

Lorena: I know she's in good hands!

Rayne left to check on Clarice as Lorena sat down at the same table as earlier and saw the party go down

Rayne: I hope ya aren't doing anything bad to yourself Clare

Rayne stepped in the elevator and went to floor 16, Dormitory floor 1, and looked for room number 4

Rayne: Clare, ya in here?

Rayne knocked the door twice

Clarice: Ray? Are you here? Did you come to see me?

Rayne was relieved to hear her voice

Rayne: Yes, I came to see ya!

Clarice slowly opened the door to reveal she was in her underwear

Rayne: Ah! Clare I didn't know you weren't wearing your clothes!

Clarice panicked a little but couldn't do much cause of the pain

Clarice: Yeah, sorry you have to see such a sorry sight, I was putting on some muscular pain relief cream

Rayne: What do ya mean sorry sight!? Let me in, I'll help ya

Clarice: Wa-wait! My room is!

Rayne entered Clarice's room to see she had all of her things thrown on the floor

Clarice: A mess...

Rayne: Clare, what happened here?

Clarice: I almost fell when I got here so I stumbled on my drawer and everything just fell down

Rayne: I see, well I'll help ya out with this in a bit, here, let's put the muscle pain reliever, sit on the bed

Clarice sat down as Rayne tucked her sleeves and took the pot of cream

Rayne: Clare, these have gotten pretty bad, you haven't been doing this again have you?

Clarice nervously answers

Clarice: I- I don't know

Rayne knew she was lying but stood quiet and started applying the cream

Rayne: Clare, did you eat somethin' today?

Clarice pointed at a packet of cookies that was half eaten

Rayne: Only that?

Clarice: And well, maybe a few things at the party, I just don't want to get fat...

Rayne looked at Clarice straight in the eyes and said

Rayne: Fat? Ya won't get fat just by eating normally, and even if ya are then what of it? Ya still will be really beautiful and ya still will have a beautiful body

Clarice froze at Rayne's words and started blushing

Clarice: Wh-What a-are you s-saying Rayne!?

Rayne: I'm sayin' ya're beautiful Clarice, I mean look at ya! But the only thing that isn't beautiful are these bruises, not only they hurt ya they don't make ya look better, this is why I'm so vigilant of ya, I want ya to take care of ya self Clare, I don't want ya to ruin ya body like this

Clarice froze again and blushed even more, her anxiety was building up and she didn't know what to do or how to hide it

Rayne: Hey Clare, Ya okay? Ya starting to feel kinda warm, are ya having a fever?

Clarice nervously answered

Clarice: F-fever? Me!? Of course not Ray! It's just hot in here!

Rayne: But ya're in ya underwear, and I'm in uniforme and I'm pretty cold myself

Clarice: Wh-What!? You're cold? Um um must be your imagination yeah! I'm cold too!

Rayne finished putting the cream on Clarice and stood up

Rayne: Ya're acting kinda strange Clare, maybe ya should get some rest

Clarice slowly stood up while Rayne was turning her back to wash her hands and hugged Rayne

Clarice: Please, stay a little longer, Ray

Rayne was surprised and didn't quite know how to act

Rayne: B-but if I stay ya won't be able to rest

Clarice hugged Rayne tighter

Clarice: I'll rest just fine if you stay a bit longer

Rayne finished washing her hands and turned around

Rayne: Alright Clare, I'll stay a bit longer! But first put on a shirt, you must be freezing!

The end

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