Chapter 12: The Resurgence

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Two month ago

Cosmos: Sora, I've really been thinking about Lora a lot lately, do you think mom and dad's actions on her are even justified? Like I really want to help her but I can't go against mom and dad!

Sorany looked at Cosmos and then looked at the ground

Sorany: I feel really bad for her, I really don't think she deserves this, I think we should do something Cos, maybe we could talk with mom and dad, or directly help her in her things so she can succeed!

Cosmos: Yeah, you have a point there, let's go and give it a try!

As Cosmos and Sorany walked home from University they started seeing fire trucks go passed them and started to smell smoke

Cosmos: Looks like somethings burning, hope it isn't mom's cooking!

Cosmos giggles a little as they approach a cliff that has a clear view of their house, and what Cosmos and Sorany saw petrified and horrified them

Cosmos: S-So- Sora? Is that our house?

Sorany out of words starts running towards their house

Cosmos: Sora! Wait up!

Cosmos starts running behind Sorany as they approach their house but are stopped by a police officer

Officer: Where are you kids going? It's dangerous here, move along!

Cosmos hysterically tells the officer


Sorany blindly started walking into the vicinity of the house but was stopped yet again by the officer

Officer: Hey hey, we can't let you pass, we haven't found anyone here but we believe the fire was caused by some sort of fuel leakage, once it's contained we'll investigate please cooperate and stay here

Sorany's tears started pouring out as she blindly kept trying to go, Cosmos started crying and tried stoping his sister

Cosmos: Sora... Please stop, let the men do their work

Sorany collapsed on her knees and started crying

Sorany: Please mom, dad... Please be okay...

After a few hours the fire was finally put out and they where let passage to their burt down house

Cosmos: How can this happen? Why!? Where's mom and dad!? Why aren't they here!?

Suddenly Sorany stops and falls on her knees as she points to the only standing door in the house and sees the burnt bodies of her parents hugging as they died a horrific death

Cosmos: no... This... This can't be... How did...

Cosmos fell on his knees as well as both him and Sorany saw what remained of their house and their parents

Cosmos: This... This was the dark room wasn't it? Doesn't this mean that Lora...

Sorany: She... She died too...

Sorany pointed at a chair that had a burnt female body in it, it was so burnt that it was unrecognizable but Sorany was sure it was Lorena

Cosmos: How... Did this happen?

Sorany: Why... Did this happen?

A police officer approaches Cosmos and Sorany

Officer: I'm sorry for your lost, life sometimes hits in the worst ways possible, but at least you guys have a future still ahead, as you both are young adults your families fortune goes to you both, I know it's going to be tough but you're both strong, your will made out of iron, I know you'll both get through this if you both work together

Cosmos turned around to see the officer

Cosmos: Who are... You!?

When Cosmos saw the officer he immediately recognized him

Cosmos: Uncle Sautori!?

Sautori: The one and only! I came as soon as I heard what happened... I'm as affected as you both are, losing my sister isn't really something I wanted to hear but life sometimes hits you with the hard truth, you have to be strong no matter what, even in the toughest of situations, cause if you are you might have a chance to move past it and grow even stronger

Sorany stood up and hugged Sautori and Cosmos did the same and they both started crying

Sautori: There there, let it all out...

Sautori looked to the sky using his hat to cover his eyes as tears started pouring out

Sautori: Now then, let's go you two, let's get both of your futures back on track!

Two month later one day before HoC inauguration

Cosmos: And this is why my bubble shield technology will save the lives of billions!

Cosmos was in front of a board of sells men trying to sell a technology he invented, the bubble shield necklace

Sells director: I think it has a lot of potential young one, but can it be used in military scenarios as well?

Cosmos: It sure can! It's bullet, fire, explosive and radiation proof and it is virtually unbreakable!

Sells men: Can it be worn as a bracelet too?

Cosmos: Yes it can! And as any other accessory item you desire!

Sells director: Well gentlemen, I think we have a product!

Cosmos successful sold his technology to the biggest company in the world Centerprise Co.

Cosmos: Thank you for doing business with me!

Sells director: Thank you for always bringing the best products Mr. Starnaly!

Cosmos: The pleasure is all mine!

Cosmos says goodbye and leaves as Sorany was waiting for him in the car

Sorany: So, how it go?

Cosmos: Smooth as anything! They bought it really easily!

Sorany: That's my brother for you, btw uncle Sautori called, he said when we are both together he has something to tell us

Cosmos: Well shoot, call him and see what it is!

Sorany calls Sautori and puts it on speaker

Sautori: Hello there, how are you both!?

Cosmos: Hey uncle, we're both pretty good! Yourself?

Sautori: Well I'm doing alright, but that's not the issue here, I thought you guys should know as soon as possible but we kept investigating the area as you guys requested and found out the other body was actually a doll and was not Lorena's body, meaning she is still alive!!!

Cosmos: Wh-What!? She is!? But where could she be? We haven't seen nor heard of her at all during these two months!

Sautori: Well where exactly is a mystery but recently we saw a transaction from her bank account towards a real estate company called RossHomes, we will investigate further and let you know

Sorany: Please do... I miss my little sister

Sautori: Yeah, I miss little Lora too... And well as for the evidence we found on sight it looked like it was set up, someone was responsible for the fire but we still don't know who, why or what caused it but we'll keep investigating

Cosmos: Who would do such a thing!? Who ever did their actions are unforgivable!!! I'll make sure they pay with every single ounce of strength I have, I'll make sure they pay for what they did...

Sorany: You and me both...

Sautori: Well then we'll keep in touch, and don't worry, we'll take care of everything

Cosmos: Alright uncle, take care!

Sautori hangs up

Sorany: Cos... Can we go check this RossHomes place out?

Cosmos: I see we where thinking the same thing, let's go

The end

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