Chapter 10: The spark

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???: The light shines bright within, forgetting the past is one step to moving forward, forget what you knew, the light will shine through

A sudden rush of old memories passes by

???: You might have these here, but they'll be locked away, for your own good, Lorena...

Suddenly Lorena wakes up hyperventilating

Samael: Ah! Lora! You're awake!

Lorena calms down a bit and places her hand on her head

Lorena: Wh- What happened to me?

Samael: You've been out for a day or so, after trying out your uniforme, you looked really bad and fell into a deep sleep, we tried waking you up to no avail, so we brought you to my room upstairs and well we've been here waiting for you!

Lorena looks around the room and sees different types of cloths and sowing essentials but doesn't see the others

Lorena: Where's Rayne and the others?

Samael looks at the door

Samael: Well they're resting in the guest area, I'll go call em!

Samael stands up and goes towards the door, as soon as he opens it Rayne's voice can be heard

Rayne: Is she finally awake!? Please tell me!

Samael: She is! Now calm down a little, she needs you guys to be in your top form!

Marney: Right

Samael walks away from the door as Rayne, Marney and Clarice walk in the room with their faces filled with worry

Clarice: Rise and shine Lora!!!

Marney: Yeah! You really had us worried there! H-how do you feel!?

Rayne: Yeah, how are ya Lora!?

Lorena sat up on her bed and let out a smile, very uncharacteristic of her

Lorena: Well, I'm feeling great! Looking forward to our future and to what we can build with our HoC!

Rayne and Samael looked a bit confused by Lorena's reaction but went along with it

Clarice: That's the spirit Loraaaa!!! I'm glad you're feeling great!!! Well prepare yourself cause the way you're feeling now will be the Amazing work we'll do with our HoC!

Marney: We're really glad you're feeling better, Lorena!

Samael: Yeah! Speaking of which, I already packed boxes with all sets of uniformes You guys asked for!

Lorena: Perfect! Now all that's left is to set ourselves up and let the world know who we are! We are the House of Compassion and our mission, starts here!

After that Lorena and the rest packed everything in the car and after a few friendly interactions it was time to part ways

Lorena: It was great to see you again, Sam

Samael: Same here Lora! You know if you ever need anything just let me know!

Lorena smiled

Lorena: Alright, I will! You too! Know that we are always here for everyone!

Lorena goes to the car with Clarice and Marney as Rayne steps out if the store and places her hand on Samael's shoulder

Rayne: Did ya tell her? About what happened?

Samael: No, her state of mind seems too frail right now to talk about that, but that light, that spark, I wonder what that was

Rayne: I don't know what that was but, all I can say is what ever happened inside that dresser definitely has somethin' to do with that voice, I'll see what I can uncover, until then ya stay calm

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