[ ρrolog ]

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Small cries filled the night. A little baby girl was born. In the middle of darkness and desolation, this little bundle, frapped in a pink blanket, was meant to be the solution. She was the missing variable.

„10 years of research, disappointment and hard work, but in the end it was worth it. Please, take a look by yourself, Mrs. Paige." The tall man said.

Nervously, he watched the red haired woman who was bend over the baby's crib. He had his hands shoved in the pockets of his white coat, so no one could see how his hands are shaking. He knew exactly which  importance this project had over the past 10 years and everything, his career, his life, the company would depend on this one moment.

„I can't and I won't risk spending  more time or energy into this project. We've lost to many in the past. I need your full insurance that this one is going to survive. That she is going to provide us the missing data and that she is not going to be any risk for our company." Ava Paige's words were clear and unmistakable.

He couldn't, no, he didn't want to imagine what the consequences would be, if she would be another mistake.

„I promise you, Mrs. Paige, she is a full success. We created her with the newest and highest technology you will find on the planet. Her DNA structure is perfect. She will be the strongest, smartest and most controllable kid here. The sensors in her brain will provide us her brain activity constantly. Her ....." He couldn't finish his little speech.

„Great. I hope you are right this time, Doctor. Lux." One last time Ava Paige looked at the baby before she turned around and walked out of the lab.

The clicking noise of her heels hitting the floor became quieter and quieter. Dr Lux took a last look at the girl's crib. Next to the sleeping baby laid a file.

Subject A0:  The Completion
Name:            Grace
Gender:         female
Eyes:               green
Hair:               blond
Immunity:    positive
Additional:  genetically created

So this is the Prolog to my first Maze Runner fanfiction! I really hope you like it.

Make sure to leave a comment, like or recommendation, so I know what to do to improve my story.


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