[ ¢hapter 1 ]

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„Remember, WICKED is good!" Ava Paige said through the microphone, as she watched the girl waking up.

She slowly turned around and faced the other men and women, sitting on a large table behind her. As she looked around, her gaze got stuck on the doctor. He nodded unnoticeable and a small, almost proud smile formed on the woman's face.

„Ladies and Gentleman, I'm glade to announce that „Phase One" is almost finished. Soon, Subject A0 will provide us the final pattern and there is absolutely nothing that can stop this project now." Again, she looked around the table. All eyes were fixed on her as she spoke the words.

„Teresa, send the box up." And with the button was pushed, the girl's fate was sealed.

A buzzing noise was tearing her from sleeping. Slowly, she opened her eyes to find the source of the noise but she saw absolutely nothing.

The girl was surrounded by pure darkness. Something felt wrong. A small, sick feeling from her stomach crawled slowly up her throat and before she realized what happened, a gush of water shot out of her mouth.

She gasped.

The air seemed to be thick and dusty. Too thick for her to inhale. Panic began to spread through her body but the girl knew that she had to stay calm. A panic attack would only make the situation worse.

So, she closed her eyes and forced herself to take a few deep breaths. In and out. In and out. In and out.

After a few minutes, she peeled her eyes open again, but still, something felt terrible wrong. But it wasn't the feeling of her stomach. There was something else.

Suddenly, the ground beneath her began to shake. She felt cold air hitting her face and the smell of oil and steel climbed up her nose. The buzzing sound from earlier turned into a sharping and grinding sound like someone was pulling an old, rusty chain.

Metal against metal. Louder and louder and then...silence. Just the buzzing sound. A single tear slide down the girl's cheek.

Out of nothing the ground jerked upwards with enormous speed. This sudden movement let the girl lose balance and she fell to the ground, hitting her head hard.

She screamed.

In addition to the smell, buzzing, shaking and rumbling, there was now an ear piercing serene causing the girl to cover her ears. More tears slide down her face and she closed her eyes. She hoped it was a nightmare and she would soon wake up.

But deep inside she knew, this wasn't just a nightmare.

This was real.


I promis that the next parts will be much longer, but this is still like a „second prolog".

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