[ ¢hapter 11 ]

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It has been a few days now, since Grace had woken up. She was shocked when she first saw herself in the mirror. She looked like she had gone through hell and back, and she knew she had.

Alby and Newt had visited her a few times to ask her what  happened out in the maze. She told them about the Grievers and how she had escaped them. She also told them about the Cliff and how the Grievers fell over it.

What she didn't tell them was how she found the way back to the Glade. She was scared that they would think that she was crazy or even worst, that she had really something to do with the Creators.

The boys were pretty amazed how she killed the Grievers though, which made her proud. They should know that she wasn't as weak as they all thought.

Minho came a few times, too. He said that he would be proud of her and that he was glad that she would be back alive.

Even Frypan came to bring her some food.
But most of the time one boys sat beside her bed. It was Thomas. He told her how worried he had been and  that he had hoped that she would make it back. The two teenagers talked a lot over the days and Grace had to admit that she really like his company. He would visit her in the morning before he and Minho ran out into the maze, and when they came back.

Jeff had released her this morning, so she was free to walk around the Glade. He had told her to take crutches with her, but she refused. Her ankle didn't hurt that much, and she was able to limp around.  

Most of her wounds had almost healed and she definitely felt her strength coming back with every day. It was almost dinner time, and the girl limped over to Chuck who was sitting under a tree.

She sat down next to him and smiled. The little boy had visited her once with Thomas. He had literally bombarded her with questions about the Grievers.

„What are you doing?" She asked and leaned her back against the tree. He hold a knife and a wooden block in his hands.

„I am carving something for my parents when I see them again." He said and showed her the piece of wood.

He had carved a tiny human. She took the figure and turned it in her hands. Then she gave it back to Chuck and said.

„I promise you that you are going to give it to them. We will find a way out of here. Never lose your hope."

Chuck smiled at the girl and threw himself forward into her arms. She was surprised at first, but she really liked that little boy, so she squeezed back. He let go of her and his gaze met hers.

„Is it true that you are a Runner now? Some boys said they would make you one of
them." He asked with his innocent voice.

She looked at him surprised. No one had told her that she would become a Runner.

„I-I don't know but I don't think so. I haven't even tried all jobs yet and Minho said I would never become a Runner." She said and looked down on the grass. A few seconds no one said nothing before she heard his voice again.

„I would make you a Runner." He said with a smile. „You have survived a night out there which no one before did. This means you are stronger than all of them."

She smiled at him and whispered a quiet
„Thank you".

She decided to ask Minho about the Runner thing. Maybe he had changed his mind. The two talked for a while longer until they saw the Runners coming back. Chuck stood up and helped Grace to her feet. Together, they walked/limped to Minho and Thomas. Grace felt her heart beat a little fast when she saw Thomas.

„What are you doing out here?" The brunet boy asked, when he had spotted her. „Shouldn't you be lying in bed?"

„Jeff released me earlier." She said and smiled, before she turned to Minho. „This means you will have your wonderful roommate back."

„Great.." He muttered and ruffled her hair.

She knew that he was just joking. After the boys went mapping they went to grab something to eat.

She was about to grab her plate when Thomas took it for her. He smiled and she felt her cheeks heat up. With her head down, she followed the boys to their table.

„Something new in the maze today?" She heard Newt's voices as he sat down beside her.

The two Runners told him the same as every day and with every word Grace's desire to be a Runner grew entirely. She was so focused on what Minho was saying that she didn't notice how Thomas watched her exited face the whole time.

Later that day she was laying in her bed. Minho would return soon, so she could ask him. A few minutes later she heard the door opening and closing again. She sat up on the edge of the bed and watched Minho as he put his clothes into the drawer.

Suddenly, he began to smile and pulled something out. Grace's eyes went wide. He held a pair of panties in his hand and smirked at her. She stood up and went towards him

„This.." She said and snatched the piece of fabric out of his hand. „..Is mine!"

Minho laughed and she knew he did this on purpose, like the first time they had met. She put her underwear back and closed the drawer with her hip while she crossed her arms and looked at Minho.

The boy copied her gestured and looked back at her.

„What do you want?" He asked and tried to act serious.

„I wanted to ask you something." She began and paused, to see his reaction.

He pulled his left eyebrow up and kept looking at the girl.

„I want to be a Runner. Nominate me to be a Runner, please." She said with a stern voice. Minho let a deep breath out and brought his hand to his face.

„Why did I know that you would ask me
that." He said to himself before he looked up at Grace. „Was one night not enough for you to not want to be a Runner. You almost died out there?"

He walked to his bed and sunk down on it. Grace followed him and sat down next to him.

„It was enough for me to want to solve the maze." She gave him the same answer like she did the first time she had this conversation with Minho.

The boy said nothing, he just stared at the floor. A few minutes of silence passed until Grace decided to speak again.

„You said to me that one had to prove himself to be a Runner. Haven't I proved myself enough?" She asked and looked at him.

Minho didn't look at her when he asked quietly.

„What happened out there?"

„A Griever chased me and I ran away, then two other Grievers attacked me and I climbed up the wall because I thought they wouldn't find me there. One did. It climbed up the wall to sting me but I fell down and ran away again. I found the cliff and every time a Griever would ran towards me, I jumped aside so they fell down. Then I walked through the maze and found the Glade again." She told him and left out the part with the mystery boy.

Minho was a Runner, he knew one didn't find back to the Glade out of accident. So he asked again.

„You found the Glade accidentally?" Grace nodded and looked to the floor, too. She could lie in front of Alby and Newt, but Minho was something else.

Another few minutes passed until Minho said something.

„I don't like the thought of you being out there, alone with one of those Shanks." He said and fiddled with his hands.

„You and Thomas could run with me." She said louder.

Actually, she was a little bit mad that he still doubt that she could defend herself, but she had the feeling that she had broken him. Minho let out a groan as if he was fighting with himself inside his head.

„Listen you crazy Shank," He eventually said and turned his head to look at her. „Alby has ordered a Gathering for tomorrow. I will sleep a night over this and tomorrow I will decide if I nominate you or not."

Grace let out a shriek and wrapped her arms around his neck, like Chuck did earlier.

„Thank you so much Minho!" She whispered and let go of him.

She smiled and walked back to her bed. She quickly fell in a dreamless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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