[ ¢hapter 8 ]

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As soon as the doors slammed shut, Ben let go of the girl and she fell to the ground.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks and her breath went heavily. No one said anything. The two were just staring at the closed doors.

„We belong to the maze now." Ben whispered and smiled.

„They are coming for us and they going to kill us. That's where we belong now." He spread out his arms and began to laugh.

Grace could just look at him.

The boy was sick. Then he went quiet again and looked at the girl on the ground. He said nothing, he just stared. Then at once, he turned around an ran along the corridor until he disappeared.

She was alone.

Fear squeezed her chest and she had still trouble to breath. Slowly, she stood up on her shanking legs.

She turned her head in all directions. Suddenly, the maze didn't look inviting at all. The heavy and bulbous walls seemed to block all light from the once bright blue sky above her. She slung her arms around her trembling body.

Just now, she became aware of what was  about to happen.

She was in the maze and the doors were closed.

She would have to spend a night here in a maze, full of Grievers.

Hopelessness came over her mind and a noise impaled her ears. She knew that noise. Her head snapped to the right where the scream came from. The corridor was too dark to make something out but she knew the Grievers were coming for her.

Newt had told her.

Minho had told her.

Ben had told her.

Panic flooded her body as the whirring sound became louder. Like someone would scratch his nails over the cold stone mixed with the same metallic noise from the box that brought her up into the Glade.

It horrified her.

She wanted to scream and cry, just lay down on the floor and hope that it will be over soon. She took a deep breath.

Panic would lead her to nothing, she reminded herself. She closed her eyes to think for a second. The sweat dripped down her forehead as her mind searched for something to hold on.

The sounds of the Griever echoed through the corridor. She had to move. Now. It was just now or never.

She took a last glance into the right corridor before she turned her body around and sprinted along the left corridor, further into the maze. At first, she was a little confused that the sound didn't fade, instead the same sound came from different directions.

There had to be more than one Griever and she knew it. It was impossible for her to run all night long. She needed to find a spot to hide and to catch her breath for a few minutes. Maybe she could even hide somewhere the whole night. She came across a crossing between four corridors.

She stopped.

The noises were echoing from all directions into her ear and it was impossible to know from which direction the Griever would come. A few seconds passed until the noises suddenly went silent. Something was terribly wrong.

She felt it.

She felt its presence behind her. Slowly, she turned around to look in the corridor behind and her heart stopped. It was standing there. Not moving and she didn't know if it had noticed her. Blue and red lights were shining from its body and filled the dark corridor.

Her eyes didn't leave the beast as she took one step to her left.


Just three more steps.


Two steps.

She was almost in the other corridor.

One step.


She had stepped on a little twig. Well, Shit.

She didn't hesitate, she began to run further into the pathway but this time she heard the Griever behind her. Moaning and scratching, it chased after her.

She didn't look back once but she knew it was coming closer. Its claws were digging into the stone floor and Grace could smell the burning oil coming from its body. One of the claws shot forward and aimed directly to her back.

The metal cut her shirt and skin like a burning knife and she slammed to the ground. Her body hit the ground hard and slid over the rough stone. The Griever obviously hadn't expect her fall and ran over her.

As soon as it realized that she wasn't in front of it anymore, its claws dug into the ivy-covered walls and the stone floor to slow down. It let out a piercing scream and tried to push itself forward again but lucky for her, the ivy had wrapped around the beast's leg and it had trouble to get free. It squirmed and moaned and its arm flew around the air, trying to cut free from the ivy.

Grace took the chance and stumbled to her feet. The pain from her back spread quickly through her body but the adrenaline in her blood gave her the strength to push herself into the corridor right next to her. She tried to run around as many corners as possible so the Griever wouldn't track her.

Suddenly, she felt a familiar  quaking of the ground. Her first thought was that the doors were opening but she knew that she was too far away from the doors. She looked to her right and saw a moving stonewall. The maze was changing. Newt had told her about it. The wall moved with a loud grinding over the floor, straight to its opposite wall.

She didn't lose any time and pushed herself through the closing gap. Just in time she reached the other side and the walls collided.

Tears streamed out her eyes and her back was killing her. Just as she wanted to lean her hand against a wall, she heard it again.

Scratching metal and clicking noises. They came closer and she knew she couldn't ran with her full energy again.

She walked to the corner and carefully peeked around from where the noises came from. At the end of the other pathway were two Grievers, rolling and shoving each other along the small corridor.

There was no chance she could run this way and escape two of them, neither could she ran the way back she had come from. She was trapped in a death end.

A scream raised up her throat but she quickly threw a hand over her mouth, knowing it would give away her position. She took a few steps back and her aching back hit the ivy-covered wall.

The ivy.

Maybe she could climb up the wall until she reached the top or at least high enough so that the Grievers wouldn't see her anymore. It was the only chance right now.

She grabbed a vine with both hands and pulled her body up in the air. Her feet dug into the cracks in the wall to support her arms. She was a few meters over the floor when she saw the blue and red lights from the Grievers' bodies bouncing around the walls. The screams and moans became louder so she had to hurry.

In this hight, the Grievers would have spotted her easily. Sweat covered her body and caused her hands to slip a few times from the ivy.

A large claw shot around the corner and dug into the wall below her, followed by many others. They were there. She pushed  her further into the ivy layer so she was covered by it and the most horrific scenario she could imagine played in front of her eyes.

Two bulbous bunches of slime, oil and deathly weapons rolled around the corner. Their horrifying sounds echoed in her mind and she didn't know how long she could last like this.

This would be her end.

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