[ ¢hapter 2 ]

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The girl curled up in the corner of the box. All the horror had stopped several minutes ago. No siren, no shaking, no red light.

She could even make out her surrounding because of the light falling through the gap in the ceiling. She was in some kind of a box, filled with many smaller boxes. Every single box was printed with the same letters: W.I.C.K.E.D.

She didn't know what that was supposed to mean. She didn't know anything. While she was sitting in the dark, cold box, she thought about how she has possible ended up in this situation but her mind was as dark as the box. All her memories were blurred.

When she closed her eyes, she saw people, but no faces. She heard their voices, but their words made no sense. Nothing made sense anymore.

Thousands of questions spun around her head, pushing and rambling against her skull. But not a single answer.

She didn't know how long she sat down there. Lonely. Confused. Scared.

When she suddenly heard voices from above. Many voices. Different voices. For a split of a second she wanted to yell for them to help her. She opened her mouth when another thought slipped into her mind: She didn't know who was out there. For all she knew, those people could be the ones who have put her in here and who have stolen her memories.

The small feeling of relief was suddenly replaced by fear.

Her body began to shake as she pushed herself further into the corner so she was hidden by the boxes. Loud and scary sounds fell from the ceiling above her, before it split apart and the bright light of the sun impaled her eyes like thousand needles.

She squeezed them tight together. A few seconds of silence passed before, whoever was up there, began to talk.

„I can't see the Greenie. Where is he?"

„Shut your hole, Shuck-face."

„Do you think they've stopped sending Newbies up here?"

„Damn it smells like klunk down there."

Greenie? Shuck-face? Klunk? What is wrong with those people? She couldn't see who was talking because she still crouched behind the crates, but based on their voices they were men.

The fact, that several crazy men were up there and that they were probably about to find her in that box  let her heartbeat increase. If they wanted to hurt her she had nothing to protect herself with. The ground began to shake again and she knew someone jumped down into the box.

„He is probably just hiding in here. I'll will find that Shank." A deep voice said. She felt each of his steps as he walked around the box.

„Are you able to find him soon or do you need help, Gally?" Someone yelled from above, followed by several laughers.

Her body was still shaking with fear, as a small sob left her mouth. As soon as she heard the noise she had just made, her hand flew up to cover her mouth. But it was too late. The boy turned around, looking directly in her direction as he spoke.

„I found the Greenie, he is over there."
Seconds later the crates in front of her were moved away and she was roughly pulled up to her feet by the collar of her shirt. „Rise and shine...." He stopped in the middle of his phrase, before he mumbled. „Holy klunk."

The position she was held in was really uncomfortable. She was smaller than him and as he held her by the collar, her feet could hardly touch the ground. He also squeezed the fabric of her shirt very tight so that she had trouble to breath.

As she looked up her gaze met his shocked eyes.

„What is the problem? Are you coming up or what?" Someone yelled from outside the box.

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