[ ¢hapter 10 ]

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Grace didn't know how long she was wandering through the endless walls and pathways.

The sun stood bright on the sky and sweat was dripping down her body. She didn't even know where exactly she was going. Every wall looked the same.

Earlier, she was so excited that she had survived the night that she totally forgot that she didn't know the way back to the Glade. For hours she limped around in hope to find something that would lead her back.

She was totally dehydrated and with every more step she thought her body would break in. Her hope faded slowly. She would definitely not survive another  night in the maze.

She sank down and pulled her knees up to her chest. Her head rested on top of her knees and big tears ran down her cheeks. They flowed over her ripped lips and dropped onto her injured chest where the salty liquid seemed to burn her skin.


Grace shot up to her feet, ignoring the pain. She thought another Griever would chase her so she prepared her body to run away one more time.

She looked in the direction where the sound came from and to her relief she didn't see an Griever but something else. At the end of the pathway stood someone. She couldn't see his face but she could clearly see his dark silhouette. She blinked a few times to make sure her brain wouldn't trick her, it didn't. She reached her hand out and croak.

„Hello you! Please help me!" He didn't move an inch. He just stood there, so she tried again. „Hey boy, do you know the way back to the Glade?"

It was completely stupid to beg a stranger boy to help her. He could easily take advantage of her state and no one could help her. Maybe it was Ben and he came to kill her.

But Grace didn't care anymore.

She was desperate and hurt and this boy could be her only chance to come back to the Glade. Carefully, she began to jog over to the boy but as soon as she came near him, he turned his body and disappeared behind the corner.

„Hey, wait!" Grace screamed with all her left power and she pushed her feet stronger off the floor.

She turned around the corner. The boy stood at the end of the new corridor. Again, he just stood there like he was waiting for her to chase him.

„Please, help me! I'm injured!" Her throat felt sore and her voice cracked a few times.

She stepped closer to him  but once again he turned and disappeared. Grace bundled all her strength and moves to the corner. She peeked around and indeed, the shadow stood at the end of the new corridor.

Completely still.

Over and over again. She would step closer, he would disappear into another pathway and waited for her. She begged him many times to wait for her but he just kept going on with his little play. Tears streamed down her face. She was sure her brain had gone mad and she would stray around the maze like a maniac.

She felt her power became less with every other turn she took and she was about to give up when she took the last corner.

A shriek left her mouth. Green gras and trees fell into her eyes. She had found the Glade. She moved her head around to find the mystery boy but he was gone. Confused, she turned back and limped down the pathway that lead her back.

She stumbled through the stone gate and fell onto the soft grass. She heard voices and screams, she felt the grumbling of the closing doors and she wanted to stay awake so badly. She wanted to hug her friends, and hell she even wanted to see Gally's face. Doesn't matter what, she  just wanted to know that this wasn't a dream.

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