[ ¢hapter 5 ]

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„Girls are awesome." He heard Chuck whisper as they laid in their hammocks. „Did you see how she knocked out Gally?"

„Yes, Shank. I stood right next to you." Thomas said quietly.

A few minutes of silence passed until Chuck asked again.

„Do you think Gally will hurt her?"

„No. There is always someone around to keep an eye on her." He whispered again. Another few minutes of silence followed.

„I hope so." The younger boy said.

This were the last words Thomas heard from Chuck that night. The scene of Gally fighting the small girl repeated over and over in his head. Not even he had been able to defeat the Builder.

When she stood there, in front of him, she looked so helpless and scared which reminded him of his first day. But then she fought Gally like it was completely normal for her.

He thought about her face.

Those bright green eyes seemed so familiar to him, like he had  looked into them a thousand times before. Her hair looked so soft. He had to hold back the urge to drive his hand through it as she stood next to him after she got pushed by Mike.

And her name, Grace. It sounded so normal when it rolled over his tongue. She hadn't officially announced her name to everyone but Newt told him earlier, after he had showed her to her room.
He groaned and rolled over to lay on his stomach. Maybe they have seen each other before.


The next day began early for the girl. Newt had woken her up to show her something and right now the two of them were walking through the Deadheads.

Though Newt had told her to stay close, she let him walk a few meters in front of her. To be honest, she felt a little scared to walk through a forest where no one could hear her, with a boy she had known for barely two days. They had been walking through the forest for a few minutes now and with every step she felt a little more insecure about that special thing he wanted to show her.

Suddenly, she stopped.

On one of the trees was some kind of a bug but with a blinking red light on the top. As she stepped closer, she saw that it wasn't a bug. It looked like a centipede, but made of metal. Grace reached out her hand to touch the little creature but Newt slapped her hand slightly, so she backed off.

„Women, always want to touch everything." He said and rolled his eyes. „Don't touch it or you can take fare-well from your hand."

„What are those?" She asked curiously. But as always, Newt wouldn't give her a proper answer.

„When you bloody need to know, you will know, Greenbean." He said. Grace rolled her eyes when he said this stupid name.

Eventually, they reached one of the giant walls and Newt stopped. He shoved a bunch of vines aside and Grace could see a dusty window behind the ivy. She stepped closer but to her disappointment, she could see absolutely nothing.

„What exactly are we looking for?" She whispered as if she didn't want someone to hear her.

„Just be patient, Shank." He responded.

Grace rolled her eyes and threw her arms in the air. Of course he wouldn't give her an answer.

„Excuse me, I think I have every right to get an answer. You can't just wake me up in the middle of the night and ...." She said a bit louder, but once again, Newt cut her off.

„Slim it Girly and get your act together. Look through the bloody window and wait.

The girl crossed her arms over her chest and stared through the dark window. Several minutes passed when she suddenly saw a movement.

Something large appeared behind the window. A big, unshaped bunch crawled over the floor. It must had the size of a big horse or a cow, even taller.

„What the...." She whispered under her breath.

Everywhere at the...thing's...body stuck long arms which had every kind of working-tools at the top. A shiver ran through the girl's body as she looked at Newt with a terrified look on her face.

She felt like her stomach was turned upside down. She reached for Newt's hand which was still holding the ivy back. She pushed it away so that the window was covered again.

„This is a Griever." He said and pointed at the window. „This is the reason we haven't solved the maze yet. Usually, they just come out at night which is the reason the doors are closing every day, but sometimes they come out at daytime, too. That's why we only send the strongest and fasted Shanks out there. No one who spent a night out there, in the maze, has ever survived."


This chapter is quite short, but I promis the next ones will be longer!

Did you like it, then let me know!

Stay healthy and safe!


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