Chapter 22

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Harry's POV

My tires were screeching through the city's streets, I didn't know how fast I was going and I didn't care, I needed to get to the club and see Adrian, I knew what I was thinking was completely irrational but I couldn't bring myself to stop it and the only person I could think of to snap me out of it was Adrian.

I dropped Eva off at my place and helped clean up the cuts on her knees and sat with her for an hour before leaving, being around her must make me oblivious to anything else because as soon as I left her, my body filled with rage, it snuck up on me, it was gone when I was around her but when I walked out of those doors, I saw red.

I was still trying to understand how today changed so quickly, when I woke up with her fingers in my hair and that cute vanilla scent of hers around me, I didn't think anything could bring me down from the high I was on, but then, slowly it felt like I was deflating more and more, the way she reacted when she saw her face and how afraid she was to talk to me felt like someone stabbed me in the chest, and then her apartment getting broken into and her car, this was meant to hurt her, and everything that went wrong today was all leading back to the same stupid cunt that I've had enough of hearing about.

It was pointless for me to try and understand why I cared so much about this, I just did and that's all that mattered right now, I wasn't going to waste time on it. When I saw the look on Eva's face when she saw all her books ruined, that was the first and final staw that broke me, I was going to find whoever did this and show them that this shit won't fucking fly now that I'm around, Eva didn't need to know that I was going to do anything but it was happening. She didn't deserve this, I remember when those guys came to her work and I asked what she had done to make someone do that to her and she barked up at me telling me she didn't do anything, and I believed her, to be honest even if she did something, I don't think it would change how fucking angry I was.

I pulled up in front of the club, I didn't realise how hard I'd been holding the wheel until I let go and my hands felt strained, I stepped out of the car slamming the door behind me and not even bothering to lock it, no one would dare touch my car and today wasn't a good day for anyone to try it.

I walked in, pushing the front door open and storming down the small corridor, I could hear talking which told me some of the other boys were here, fucking great. I'd have to try and control myself or I'll end up ripping one of their smart-ass head off, I just had to get to Adrian and ask him what the fuck I should do.

I walked in to see maybe ten of the guys sitting at the bar and Jack behind it setting up, they all whipped their heads around when they heard me walking in.

"Styles! Come have a drink man" one of them yelled out, I'm sure they could see the aggravated look on my face, did I look like I wanted to have a drink?

Jack squinted at me when I didn't respond "You good?"

Fuck I didn't have any patience for anyone.

"Adrian!" I bellowed through the club, looking away from them and walking in the direction of the stairs really hoping he was even here today

"What?" I heard him from behind me, quickly I spun around and he was walking over from the couches.

"What's going on?" Jack walked out from behind the bar. He was too fucking smart sometimes.

"Is big British badie in a mood today?" One of the other boys laughed.

Not the right day smart ass.

"Fuck up, next one to make a joke gets a bullet in the leg, got it?" I shouted making them all snap their mouths shut and nod "Good, now two of you, fuck off and go to my apartment, wait out the front with the boys that are already there and make sure no one goes in that's not meant to"

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