Chapter 40

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Hiya, it's 3am for me but i wanted to get this posted ( if there is any crazy grammar mistakes, I take no responsibility and blame my tired brain, i actually blame that on if the whole thing sucks to lol)


"I gave it all and you gave me shit, love...figures, I wish I could do exactly what you did, I wish I could hurt you back" I sang at the top of my lungs.

I was driving back to Harry's and giving myself a fantastic performance to 'Jessie Reyez.'

Harry was at the club, I'm not sure what he was doing, something to do with that other gang, he rang me and said he had to rush out so he won't be home when I get there, he seemed pretty pissed off so I didn't ask any questions.

The day we got to stay at the apartment together was the last relaxed day we've had, it's been a week and Harry is back to being with the gang all day and all night.

He said something about someone seeing someone and he had to pay attention and help find him or something, I don't really know, he's still so fucking vague.

I ended up going home to my place alone for the last two days because I was sick of staying awake until Harry got home, I needed some sleep and I wasn't getting any when I was worried about him.

It didn't really help though, I got so used to having him near me I couldn't sleep without him anyway. I called him this morning to tell him I was coming back to his place tonight, I've got a key so I'll just wait for him to get home.

I hope he can come home early tonight, I miss him.

It was nice though, being apart from him for those two days, Ash came over and spent the night and it was so normal, it felt like we were back before we met either of the guys, we weren't mixed up with any of this, it felt like back when it was just her and I when I would get us into trouble over all the stupid shit I wanted to do, to be fair though, If I never did it I never would have met Harry.

I haven't seen any of the other guys in a while, Ash said Jack had been busy with Adrian so I hadn't heard from them but Dom texted me a funny message with a photo of Harry the other day.

Dom: received:

'On a supper secret mission...'

'Just kidding, your stupid boyfriend wouldn't drive in the same fucking car as me, he's so annoying idk how you deal with him'

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'Just kidding, your stupid boyfriend wouldn't drive in the same fucking car as me, he's so annoying idk how you deal with him'

We talked for a little bit after that but I haven't seen him either, I miss him too, I miss all of them actually, it's odd how quickly I've become so close to them considering how guarded I usually am, but I've always felt comfortable around them, they mean a lot to me now.

I always only had Ashley after I left home, so it felt weird at first to have a group of people I am close with, but I wouldn't change it now.

My phone ringing through the car speaker cut off my music and snapped me out of my thoughts.

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