Chapter 43

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Hiya... I don't know how this chapter ended up the way it did, but enjoy xxx

"Fuckin hell Harry, come get this box before I drop it" I yelled out, halfway up the steps with this fucking two hundred tone box resting on my knee.

"Coming" he yelled back, laughing at me.

I heard his hasty footsteps and then his fingers graze mine as he lifted the box out of my arms.

"I told you I'd grab this one" he sterned, grunting a little as he straightened himself up and got a better grip on the box.

"I was fine until I got to the steps, what the hell is in that, rocks?"

"This is the box from under the stairs," he told me, giving me a knowing look and turning around to walk up the stairs.

Oh...great, so it's a box full of guns and weird fucking movie type weapons.

I followed Harry up the steps, walking through to the kitchen and he placed the box on the bench.

There was a lot of boxes in here, for someone who had a very simple house he has a lot of stuff, to be fair, most of it is weapons or clothes and actually some stuff of his mums.

I was a little shocked when he told me that's what it was, I felt like I had to be extra careful with it when I carried it up here, I hadn't looked in yet so I wasn't sure what it was, but he told me he didn't want to put it in storage and asked if he could please keep it here.

Of course I told him yes, I want him to be comfortable here, I don't know how long he will be here, he said he was going to find somewhere else to buy but ever since Dom asked about him moving in here he hasn't even mentioned it or been looking online anymore.

That was two days ago, we moved some of his stuff into storage the night we left the club and we weren't planning on going back there but we got a little...distracted and had to come home early, so we spent yesterday in bed...most of the day, I snuck out to do something,so we were moving everything today.

He said he could hire people to do it or ask the guys too but I told him to stop being so bougie and we could just do it ourselves, which I'm glad I did because it's actually been a lot of fun, I'm glad Harry has elevators though because these stairs in my place are a fucking pain in the ass.

I never thought I'd laugh so much moving houses, I don't know how Harry can be this big scary gang member and then such a dork at home with me, earlier in the day I actually almost pissed myself over Harry's clumsy ass, he didn't think it was very funny.

"Give me a box Harry, you're seriously going to carry three all the way up?" I yelled from behind him walking up the steps with just a bag because Harry stacked three boxes up so I didn't have to carry one, they're just clothes, I told him to let me carry one.

"Nope, I'm fine, look, almost at the door" He yelled back.

"You can't fucking see you idiot" I rolled my eyes, taking slow steps behind him.

"I can so" he mumbled.

We made it to the top of the steps and Harry kicked the door open and walked through it.

I placed the bag I had over my shoulder onto the floor and tried to catch up to Harry.

'Here, give me one, I'll put it on the bench"

"Ev, I'm fine, do I not look- fuck"

My hand flew over my mouth to stop the gasp when I saw Harry's feet trip over a box and his body fly forwards, the boxes he had in his hands went flying as he put his hand out in front of him to catch himself.

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