s1: ep: 4 - naked

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Y/n, Nick, Winston and Schmidt were all watching some horror film that they had never seen before. Y/n cuddled up to Nick's side as she stole his beer from his hand and quickly took a swig.

"Heyyy!" He whispered with a slight smirk on his face, snatching the bottle back from Y/n's grasp

"Sorry man, I cant be bothered to go grab one from the fridge and yours just looked so cold and refreshing.." Y/n whined going to grab the bottle again.

"Okay okay fine we can share...." Nick said finally letting the girl take hold of his beer. Nick watched Y/n light up with a smile as she took yet another swig from the bottle and quickly pulled her closer to his chest.

As the main character on screen screamed Jess entered the room with a tub of ice cream in hand.

"Ooh. Scary movie. I hate scary movies. Why are we watching this?" Jess questioned as she picked at her ice cream.

"We're not watching this, Jess." Nick started. " we're watching this" he continued as he pointed at the girl almost on his lap and the two guys beside him.

Jess moved around the couch and sat down almost on top of schmidt who moved with a grunt.

" So fun, hanging with the dudes, eating ice cream, watching scary movies" Jess said to herself.

"We're not scared. We're dudes" Jess said in a low, mocking tone. Y/n held her lips in a fine line, trying not to laugh.

Winston shushed Jess dramatically before turning back to the television.

"You know what we should watch" Jess whispered to anyone who would listen. "Have you guys ever seen fame? It's about a group of dreamers with talent to spare, taking New York City by storm one dance number at a time"

"Oh ugh" Jess groaned as blood comes spitting from the woman's neck on tv. "That's so much blood, mmm so good" she began talking to herself as she kicked the ice-cream from the spoon.

"Jess i promise you I will personally
watch fame with you if you can please be quiet and let me watch this film, I've been dying to see it" Y/n begged the girl who quickly nodded her head and apologised.

"That guys gonna blow himself up. Wah, wah" Jess announced to the couch.

"Why would that guy blow himself up?" Nick questioned just before the guy blew himself up.

"Oh my god" Y/n whispered beneath her breath.

"Sorry, i saw it in the theatre."

Y/n groaned and buried herself into nicks chest not bothering to watch the film anymore.

"You know what else we should watch? An american tale!" Jess began " it's about a little Jewish mouse with a great big heart and a.."

"All right"


"Let's go"

"Where are you guys going?" Jess asked. "Y/n you still up for fame?"

"No thanks Jess"


I'm so sorry for the late update!!

I'll be more active I promise!!

Thanks so much for the love and support

The last time I checked I had 10k reads now we're on 18k! That's so crazy much love you guys 💕💕

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