s1 : ep1 : pilot

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^^^matt ^^^

"hey, i couldn't help but notice that you're sitting alone and i was wondering if i could keep you company? i'm y/n by the way" y/n stated with confidence but she was sweating from the inside. this man was the man of her dreams and she couldn't afford to mess this up.

"hey y/n, yeah that'd be nice, i'm matt it's very nice to meet you" he responded winking at the girl.

from across the bar nick watched in disappear as the girl he had grown a crush on flirted with some other guy. nicks attention was turned back to the two men in front of him when Schmidt's friend benjamin was asking if schmidt was going to the party on saturday. nick tuned into the last part of the conversation trying his best to keep his eyes and mind off of y/n.

"Are you not on the list?" benjamin asked schmidt knowing full well that he wasn't on the list.

"Man, I'm not on the list, you know that." he responded disheartened.

"Ohhh. That sucks man. Keep your head up, alright?" benjamin responded.

"Alright, player. Do your thing man, it was good seeing you. Alright, man, P-Funk, always." he said as he brought in benjamin for a 'bro-hug' he watched as benjamin walked away before turning to nick "Nick, please."

nick leaned over the bar "Why are you friends with those guys?"

"Nick, please get me in the party, I'm begging you, please." schmidt begged.

"no, i'm not calling caroline. you know if y/n was here she'd beat your ass for asking again" nick responded while whipping the bar down.

"where is y/n?" coach asked while looking around the bar.

"she's with mr hunk over there" he jested pointing his thumb over his shoulder where y/n and matt were practically all over each other.

"oh wow he's hot" schmidt exclaimed not helping nick.

"she needs to teach me her ways" jess said while admiring y/n from across the bar.

"nick......... PLEASE CALL CAROLINE" schmidt yelled.

"NOOOOO" nick yelled back. y/n looked over at the two men who just yelled at each other and sent them disapproving looks before turning her attention back to matt.

"Do you know what a cute cowboy I am? Do you have any idea?" schmidt exclaimed as coach got up to leave.


jess was sitting at the bar after another failed attempt at flirting. she was talking to nick who was trying his hardest to keep his eyes off of y/n and matt who were making out behind him.

"Well, I guess I can't hide my crazy." jess said as she picked at her food.

" I don't think you're trying that hard." nick laughed.

"Well, I've never been, great at this stuff, so..." she admitted as she bit down on a celery stick. "Looks at us, couple of losers, we both got dumped, jeesh."

"I'm fine. Six months ago so..." nick said while shaking his head.

"Do you know why she dumped you? I mean she must've hurt you pretty bad.." jess asked giving her full attention to nick.

"No, no, it made no difference to me, I just wanted to set her trash cans on fire." nick said while giving someone a beer.

"So are you always just like wondering, like, what was it, was there something I could've done differently? Do you know what happens to people who keep it all inside? They get old, and they get sad and they get weird and then you're the old man yelling at the kids who are running across your yard and you're telling them 'Don't run across my yard, my life's full of regret'. You know, you can't just pretend like it didn't happen." jess said to nick using huge hang actions that made nick jump back a bit.

"Or I could pretend to be more like you, Jess, and live on a sparkly rainbow and drive a unicorn around and just sing all the time." nick remarked.

"Yeah, I think you should sing all the time." she said not realising that he was being sarcastic.

"No, I was being mean, I'm not gonna do that, Jess." nick said shaking his head.

"Why not?! It's fun!" she replied throwing her hands in the air.

"Because I have a penis, Jess."

"My name is Nick, I have a penis and I'm not gonna let any feelings out." she sang in an old man voice.

"Okay Jess, your left boob is resting on a plate of chicken wings." nick said while leaning over the bar.

"Yeah, I know." after she said that, a man called peter came over to jess to ask what she was drinking.

"Oh, I'll have another pink wine." she replied while looking at nick raising her eyebrows.

"I like your glasses," peter said to jess.

"They help me see." she responded while touching her glasses.

nick walked away and pulled out his phone looking at caroline's contact before looking at y/n then back at the contact. he pressed call.


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