S1 : ep1 : pilot

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(outfit for club)

The gang were sitting in the loft looking at Jess's friend Cece while she waited for Jess to try on some clothes for her big date.

"Do the shoes fit , Jess?" Cece yelled to Jess from the couch. There was a loud thump before Jess yelled back that she was okay.

"What are you, a model or something?" Coach asked the girl.

"Yeah. Yes. Mostly print right now... so." She said while looking at the door waiting for Jess to appear so she could leave.

"What is it? Cece? Cecelia? Chechelia? Tell me what are your hopes and dreams? Are you warm? I'm a little, huh, I'm a little warm right now." Schmidt said as he began to take his shirt off.

"Don't, Schmidt." Nick stated.

"All right." Coach deadpanned.

"I am really really sorry about him" Y/n said to Cece. Cece smiled at the girl before turning back to schmidt.

"Please put your shirt back on. Please don't make me laugh at you."

Y/n let out a loud laugh before schmidt sent her the dirtiest look he could muster.

"Can I hit you up with some tea? A little herb tea? Ahhh. Oh my God. How good is that, for real, whaat? A little Peaman tea? Yum, right? Hot, sweet, a little teabag action. And I wasn't, I wasn't talking about..." schmidt grinned at the poor model.

"There it is." nick said as he moved to grab the douche bag jar.

" Listen to me you guys, Jess is by far the best person that I know, so if you guys let anything happen to her, I'm gonna come here, and crazy murder you" Cece said to the guys before turning to Y/n "you better look after her"

"i will don't worry" Y/n said to the women as she smiled and nodded her head.

"I'm gonna be honest with you. I did not hear a word you just said 'cause I can kinda see your party hats right now." schmidt announced while staring at Cece's boobs. Y/n smacked schmidt upside the head before shaking her head at him.

"Here we go." nick reached over for the jar yet again.

"Jess" Cece yelled before getting off the couch.

"Why are you talking like this?" nick said to schmidt as he put another dollar in the jar.

"sooooo y/n" nick started while turning to the girl. "how's matt?"

"oh my god he's amazing, we've only been going out for a few days but i really like him! he's just so different from other guys." she explained while making heart eyes at the wall obviously thinking of matt.

"oooo so you like him?" nick stated disheartened. Coach patted nick on the back.

"yeah i really do"

before anyone else could get a word in Jess walked out in her overalls getting everyone's attention.

"woah jess look at you! you look incredible!" Y/n complimented sending the girl a huge smile.

"thanks y/n!" she said before beginning to do a rave dance.

"And then she does that." schmidt shook his head.

"stop it! i think it's endearing miss jessica day" y/n said to the dancing girl.

she stopped dancing before saying "I'm gonna text him, tell him I'm heading over."

"Wait, have you been texting him?" nick asked.

"Yeah, is that bad?"

nick smiled a little bit before shaking his head "No, It's nice. Have a good night"

"This gonna be great." she announced.


the gang were standing outside the very a-list club which had a massive queue of people waiting to get in.

"Coach, you don't look anything like an Indian." schmidt said looking at coach.

"Look man, I got your back, you gotta have mine too." coach nodded to schmidt.

"Coach, I got your back." nick stated to coach.

"No, Nick. I wanna hear it from him."

"i'm gonna be completely honest here" Y/n started "i have no idea what you are all on about"

"Coach, what sort of Indian wears bike shorts." schmidt said ignoring Y/n.

"S'cuse me, is er, Caroline, I'm looking for Caroline, we're supposed to be on some list?" nick said to the bouncer pushing past schmidt.

"Hey, Nick." caroline waved over to nick.

"oh shit" Y/n whispered under her breath.

Nick and caroline were getting into some conversation that Y/n really didn't wanna listen to. Y/n turned to talk to coach and schmidt before Benjamin came over.

"Get along little doggy. Well howdy there, muchachos." he said in a western accent.

nick walked back over noticing that peter - who was supposed to be jess's date - was standing with benjamin.

"Hey, where's Jess?" he asked.

"Oh, dude, she texted me like seven times. Like long ones. I just wanna hook up." he said as he shrugged his shoulders. Y/n's mouth dropped open.

"So's she waiting for you to show up, or did you call her?" Y/n asked Peter feeling a wave of protectiveness come over her.

"Yeah, that's what I did, I called her." he said laughing with benjamin.

"See you inside, Schmidt" benjamin patted schmidt's shoulder and walked inside.

"Nick, you wanna get that drink?" caroline asked nick.

"No, I gotta go help a friend, Caroline." nick stated as he began to walk away with coach and Y/n.

schmidt held up his hands in front of the trio. "Nonononononono, guys, this is the party of the year, guys this is our night, this is our night!"

"I'm going with Nick, man, you coming?" coach asked schmidt.

"schmidt Jess needs us" Y/n said stepping back with coach and nick.

"I thought you guys were my boys?" he frowned.

"You're boys is not a thing, Schmidt, stop." nick explained before beginning to run "We're coming Jess!"

"Uhh" he said as he began running as well.


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