S1 : ep2 : kyrptonite

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Winston, Nick and Y/n were tossing the basketball between each other in the main area of the living room.

"He's never gonna give you that room back." Nick said to Winston before throwing the ball in his direction.

"Psshhhh, come on man, it's Schmidt. You know they have a saying in Latvia. 'That guy is so stupid we could easily take things away from him'." Winston said as he passed the ball to Y/n.

"That's a saying?" Nick laughed as he caught the ball that Y/n threw.

"You wanna bet on it?" Y/n asked referring to schmidt giving the room to winston.

"Emmmmm let me think... YES" Nick  yelled.

"Nah dudes I don't have money to spare" Winston laughed.

"Alright, I'll give you 50 dollars if schmidt doesn't give Winston the room but if he does, I get 50 dollars from you. Deal?" Y/n smirked knowing full well that winston would trick schmidt into giving him the room.

"Oh you're on pretty lady" Nick stated before throwing the ball to Winston who shot and scored. Winston ran over to Y/n and spun her around while she laughed. Nicks smile faltered a little before he plastered on a fake one.

Jess came around the corner wearing what looked to be clothes from Schmidt's collection of clothes -that girls he slept with - had left behind.
Winston stopped spinning Y/n who had to shake her head a little bit to stop her head spinning.

"What d'ya think?" She asked while turning around slowly so the trio could see the full outfit (not like they wanted to)

"Jess, I've been telling you this for weeks but you gotta call Spencer and you gotta get your stuff back. Unless, you know, unless you're scared." Nick remarked with a small smirk. Y/n frowned now that she could fully see again she turned towards Jess.

"Shit Jess, you still haven't gotten your stuff back from that ass" Y/n said, shocked that the girl could live this long with out all her stuff.

No, I'm not scared, it's just complicated. That stuff was... that stuff was ours and I miss him" Jess said ignoring Y/n. Her eyes began to well up in tears.

"Well done nick look what you've done"  Y/n tutted at the man. Schmidt rounded the corner and saw Jess about to burst into tears knowing full well that it was about Spencer.

"Jess, look, it's a ball." Schmidt yelled handing the basketball to Jess.

Oh, a little b-ball huh. You know, I'm actually pretty good. I used to play with my mom." She said before breaking into song "Defense! Defense! Watch out for the defense! Sneaky sneaky wah wah." 

Winston looked at Y/n in horror before she shook her head.

"You get used to it" she mumbled to the man.

Hey, Schmidt!" Jess yelled before throwing the ball with some force in Schmidt's general direction. However she missed and smashed the TV.

"FUCK JESS" Y/n yelled looking at the now smashed television on the floor.

"Ah, come on!" Nick groaned putting his head in his hands. Jess quickly put her head down before letting out a small "uhhh"

"Wow!" Schmidt let out sarcastically.

"My bad!" She half laughed.

" I really can't deal with this right now" y/n muttered as she headed into the open kitchen to make herself a snack.

"I'm sorry, you guys." Jess apologised.

"That was my TV, Jess." Nick groaned.

"Kinda all he had." Schmidt remarked before going over and taking a bite out of Y/n's bagel. She shook her head before quietly saying "you want me to make you one?"

Schmidt looked surprised. " that would be fantastic" he laughed.

"I'll get you a new one I just can't it afford it right now." Jess said to nick while Y/n made Schmidt a bagel.

"If ya don't mind me asking, what's the plan?" Nick asked the girl.

"You don't know me like that but I need a TV." Winston whined.

"Do you have a TV at Spencer's?" Nick said while looking at the TV. Y/n passed the bagel to schmidt before walking back over to the group with Schmidt following closely behind.

"Yeah, I do, it's just really big and thin and brea..." Jess said before she was cut off by Y/n.

"That's fantastic Jess! Now go get it!"

"No, I can't, I haven't spoken to Spencer since he cheated on me with that hoe! Actually, that's not fair, she might be a really nice hoe. I just don't wanna get in a big fight with Spencer, I want to be friends with him eventually." Jess rambled. Y/n groaned and rolled her eyes so hard the she feared they'd get stuck in the back of her head.

"Why do you wanna be friends with your ex? I don't wanna be friends with Caroline, and all she did was rip me open and tear out my heart out with her perfect, perfect hands." Nick cut in before Y/n could yell at the girl for how stupid she was being.

"He has this power over me, like he's a wizard and I'm his mage and I think it's his hair, he has like this really beautiful hair, and whenever I see it I get the 'woowoos'." Jess cried.

"Oh my god, I hate my life!" Nick yelled.

"Ok guys just.. Jess look, I know, closure, ouch, am I right?" Schmidt said through his last bite of bagel. Y/n let out a small laugh.

I don't know at all what you're saying right now." Jess admitted.

"Ok Jess, think about it..." Schmidt said as he finally swallowed his bagel.

"Ok Schmidt, it's not that complicated, Jess just get the TV back!" Nick said cutting Schmidt off. Y/n frowned as she  actually wanted to hear what he had to say. She softly patted him on the back while nodding her head.

"I need a TV." Winston whined again.

"It's important! It's a television! It's what brings all of.. Just get us the TV!" Nick yelled.

"Okay, it's not a big deal. I'll do it. I'll call Spencer, and I'll talk to him, and, I, will talk, to, him. So, yay." Jess replied.

Schmidt let out a high pitched yay before Y/n burst out laughing.


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