s1 : ep1 : pilot

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(outfit for the bar/party :) )

schmidt chased nick into the bathroom while trying to get him to call caroline as jess was showering and y/n was putting her makeup on.

"Schmidt, I'm not calling her." nick said adamantly. y/n turned around and shot schmidt a dirty look.

"are you really still on that?" she breathed out looking at the two men.

"y/n you're looking great. Nick listen to me, knowing every year that I will be going to the Waa Waa West Charity Auction for poverty reminds me that I'm still a man, and I can still motorboat a hot girl who is also a member of the Chiriquí nation, which is not racist because it is for a good cause." schmidt pronounced sounding like an actual d-bag.

"Somebody's in here." jess announced.

"We're leaving in ten minutes, did you shave your legs?" schmidt asked the women in the shower.

"I will now." she replied making y/n laugh quietly. she was really beginning to like this girl.

"Front and backs?" schmidt replied. getting a meek "yes" back in reply.

"Thank you." he remarked. schmidt shot y/n a look silently asking her the same question. she rolled her eyes and went back to applying her mascara.

"Ok, I'm gonna kill myself now." nick announced quietly.

"Just call Caroline, you call her all the time when you're drunk." schmidt declared. y/n let out a loud laugh before nick pretended that he had no idea what he was on about.

"yeah remember that time you called her in the weird lil' accent that was a mix between like british and Australian!" y/n stated while trying not to poke her eye out with her mascara wand. nick just sighed before turning to schmidt.

"I'm not calling her." he finalised. as soon as nick finished his sentence, jess opened the shower curtain and stepped out wearing a bright pink swimsuit.

"Schmidt, I know you really want to go to this party, but wouldn't it be better to find a girl who you really care about to motorboat, then maybe if you're super lucky, you find a girl who'll motorboat you right back." Jess said with a lot of sentiment. it would have been really sweet if she knew what motorboating was.  y/n let out a loud laugh before schmidt started to smirk.

"I don't think she knows what motorboating is."


Jess and y/n were in Jess's room trying to decide what to wear.

"i like that jess" y/n said as she pointed to a black and red dress.

"yeah i think i'm gonna wear that, thanks y/n, it's nice having a girl around i think i would have gone crazy with just all guys here" jess spoke as she set the dress aside.

"i'm glad you're here jess" y/n said as she gave her a little pat on the back.

"what are you wearing" jess asked.

"oh shit i need to get changed, but this green top and jeans, not too much you know?" she responded before getting her belongings and leaving the room.

once she was changed y/n left to go stand by the door realising she was the last to be ready.

"sorry, sorry i lost track of time" she admitted sort of embarrassed.

"woah woah y/n look at you!" coach observed.

"i'll have to admit y/n you're making me wanna have sex with you" schmidt announced earning multiple dirty looks from the group.

"what!?! it was a compliment"

"thanks schmidt" y/n laughed.

"right let's go" she said as she began to push them all out the door.

y/n was locking the loft door as nick came up beside her.

"you do look really amazing y/n" he said while rubbing the back of his head.

"ahhhh would you stop" she laughed as she pulled him into a side hug and began to move down the hall side by side.


the group were sitting at the bar before nick served them up their drinks.

"beers, and a rosé" he announced as he placed the beers down in front of coach, schmidt and y/n and the rosé in front of jess.

"Pink wines makes me, slutty." jess said as a cute guy walked past. y/n laughed before taking a sip of her beer also looking at the guy walking past.

"Woah, cute guy alert." she said while moving her glasses up and down. schmidt began to shake his head while nick and coach glanced at each other. y/n slowly patted jess on the back before returning to her beer.

"Okay, Jess, gametime. Let's do this. If you wanna forget about Spencer you're gonna have to do some very very bad things, with that man, right over there." schmidt said while he pointed at the unsuspecting man that had just walked by. jess glanced at the man before asking

"how bad?"

"Real bad, Jess. Real bad." schmidt replied. y/n rolled her eyes and tuned out of the conversation while looking around the bar for anyone who was at least somewhat cute. as she was looking around the bar someone who she hadn't seen before caught her eye. he was tall with brown hair and subtle stubble, he was her type down to a T.

"who's he?" y/n asked nick while subtly pointing at the mystery man.

"ehh he's been coming in a few nights now, think he's new in town.......why?" he questioned.

"he's really fucking hot" she stated while making heart eyes at the man. "do you know if he's single?"

"well he hasn't been in here with any ladies so i'd say so" he said with uncertainty.

"im going over there" she announced while picking up her beer and moving towards the man.


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