s1: ep4: naked

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Y/n and Schmidt sat at the breakfast bar as Nick grabbed a beer out of the fridge.

"Y/n you want one?" He asked kindly.
Y/n didn't respond; too hyper-fixated on her nail-beds.

"Earth to Y/n... HELLOO" Nick yelled.

"What, no I'm good thank you" she snapped and then quickly proceeded to her room with a slam of her door.

"What's up with her!" He asked Schmidt as he stared deeply at her door hoping his Matilda like powers might just come into force and open the door.

"I don't know man maybe it's her lady time?" Schmidt asked wriggling his eyebrows.

Y/n slowly opened her door and walked cautiously towards the breakfast bar. "What was that Schmidt?"


"Thought so" Y/n slowly sat down and let out a sigh "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling too good. Just keep talking to take my mind off it."

"Well Nick where are you taking this lady?" Schmidt questioned as he carefully rubbed Y/n's back - who reluctantly let into him.

"No idea" he responded cooly.

"Well do you want a list of my sexiest dating spots? You know it's been a while for you"

Y/n stifled a laugh as Nick muttered a  sarcastic thank you.

"It's not a date Schmidt" Nick established.

Y/n tilted her head and seemed more interested at the topic at hand.

"I don't actually now what it is, she's a little hard to read" Nick carefully explained how Amanda ironically stated how fun it would be if they went on a date.

"Nick babe... that's a date... she's asked you to ASK her on a date. That's pretty plain to read buddy." Y/n laughed, mentally kicking herself for calling Nick her buddy.

"I should just tell him" she thought to herself.

"But like sometimes she's so ironic to the point that she's serious" he explained.

"Look" Schmidt interjected "you've been out of the game for a while,
I have three date packages. They work every time."

Y/n sat up a little straighter and turned to Schmidt.

"Package A: close-up magic, dinner, drinks. Package B: close-up magic, drinks. Package C: close-up magic"

As Schmidt was explaining his mystical packages Jess quietly swooped into the room.

"You've a date? Fun. I wanna talk to you guys about this stuff." Jess intervened.

Y/n subtly rolled her eyes. Jess has been getting on her nerves lately she seems to be getting a little bit too close to Nick but maybe Y/n's just a tad possessive...

"With Amanda" Schmidt added.

"Amanda? From the bar? Woah, she's a looker. Hotchie-motchie"

"Heh. Yeah. I know how hot she is, Jess" Nick rebutted.

Y/n stiffened at that comment straightening her back as she coughed.

"Have you been out with anyone since Caroline?" Jess asked insensitively.

"Why does Jess always bring up Caroline?" Y/n thought "what am insensitive cow"

"No" Nick replied meekly.

"Woah. Big deal alert! Scary stuff, kids. Yeah. Falling rocks. Bridge out. Duck"

"This is why I don't talk to you Jess"

Y/n compressed a laugh and felt a certain pride possess her. Nick talks to her not Jess. She could live with that.

"Nick, you're gonna be fine" Y/n said as she rested her hand upon his.

"Yeah don't worry man just suck in the gut" Schmidt added.

"What gut?"

"The little pouch" Jess added "where you keep your extra cookies."

Nick made a certain scrunched up face and stalked off towards his room.

"I don't think you have a pouch!" Y/n yelled down the hall.


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