S1 : ep 2 : kryptonite

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Winston, Schmidt, Nick and Y/n were sitting in a cafe eating breakfast while Jess was sent out to Spencer's to get her TV back!

"Wow, I miss this place. How's your yoghurt thing, Schmidt?" Winston asked slyly picking at his food. Y/n raised an eyebrow before turning to schmidt.

"Oh, the parfait? It's parfait." He replied. Y/n snickered before taking a spoonful out of her yogurt bowl.

"Come on, don't..." Nick sighed as he saw the waitress approaching.

"Oh, hello. You look beautiful today. You look smart." Schmidt announced to the waitress. Y/n rolled her eyes so hard she feared they might get stuck there.

"Stop talking to me, Schmidt." She remarked. Y/n laughed loudly, yoghurt almost spilling out of her mouth.
Nick smiled lazily at the girl before turning to see Winston giving the girl the same smile.

"So, you're making all the calls now, Schmidt?" Winston asked schmidt when he say Nick staring intently at him.

"Sure..." he answered suspiciously trading glances with Y/n and Nick.

"This must mean, you're the top dog?" Winston said slowly. Y/n let out another loud laugh drawing the attention of the others in the cafe.

"If anything I'm the top dog around here" she announced, a smirk sat on her lips. Schmidt shot her a look before she shrugged her shoulders "you know I'm right"

Schmidt shook his head at Y/n. Turning to Winston
"ignore her." He said putting his hand over her face. "Yeah I guess I would be" he answered smugly. Y/n pushed his hand away.

"That's cool..." Winston said exchanging a glance at Nick and winking at Y/n.

"You know, i'm glad you guys think that, cause... you know I think that too." Schmidt admitted nudging Y/n with his shoulder.

"One hundred percent, I mean, when I moved out, obviously there was a power vacuum." Winston said playing into his act of getting the room back.
Y/n knew that she had to help Winston get that room back as she had placed a bet with Nick. She just hopped that he hadn't caught on yet.

Nick knew that Y/n was very competitive and that winning this bet would make her happy. He was willing to lose 50 bucks to see her smile when she won.

"Yeah, I needed a leader, I didn't know which end was up." Nick announced picking at his pancakes. Y/n's face grew into a small frown not knowing what game nick was playing at. Nether the less she wanted to win.

"And you know of course I'm just a women........ so you know no power there" Y/n added with a tight lipped smile knowing that she was definitely the most powerful out of all the guys.

"Yeah, Nick's the bottom if you know what I mean. And I mean It's a toss up between Y/n and I" schmidt declared.

"Absolutely, say Winston, do all top dogs need the biggest room or, I dunno, is that kinda cheesy, a little over kill?" Y/n smirked while looking at Winston.

"No no no no no. Though I definitely see what you're saying though, definitely. Uh, every top dog is differt, every top dog is different. Hey, Schmidt, what uh, what kind of top dog are you?" Winston asked with a small smile on his face.

" ...the kind with the big room." He replied with a suspicious look.


The gang were back in the loft but Jess was still out trying to get her things back. Nick sat on the couch watching something on his phone while Y/n made a sandwich.

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