S1 ep4 : NAKED

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Jess started humming softly, head still stuck in her book "she's not gonna talk about it" she sang quietly.

"Jess, I swear to god" Y/n muttered, her head falling into her hands.

Y/n was sitting in the kitchen, a book in hand when she heard the front door close. She quickly looked behind herself to see Nick come up from behind her.

"Oh, hey Nick" Y/n smiled as she closed her book. Nick continued past heading straight for the cupboard ignoring her greeting. "How was your date?" she continued, cocking her head at her friend's strange behaviour. Nick continued to ignore her, and Y/n took a deep breath before pulling a bag out from under her.

"Okay... listen, Jess gave me something today and as much as you're gonna hate it" Y/n paused to gauge Nick's reaction only to be greeted with the same blank face. Y/n sighed and reached into her bag and pulled out a long arrow looking stick. "it's a feeling stick... and whoever is holding said stick has permission to speak their feelings without being judged".

Y/n had felt stupid the moment she had pulled out the stick, but Jess had promised it would work. Why she had listened to Jess' advice she'll never know but she was in too deep now.

Y/n waited for Nick to say something but was again presented with a blank stare.

"Okay here goes nothing" Y/n whispered to herself.

"I'll go first, shall I?" she spoke up. "I feel like... I would uhm, like to know how you're feeling". Y/n paused and waited patiently for Nick's response. Nick slowly walked over to the island and took the stick out of Y/n's hands. Y/n's eyes began to light up before Nick broke Jess' feeling stick in front of her eyes. Throwing the broken stick onto the island before her, Nick rested his weight on his elbows.

"Well," Y/n began "that was Jess' stick, so you'll have to explain to her how the stick got broken".

Nick rolled his eyes and swiftly moved out of the kitchen. Y/n quickly got up and chased after him

"Nick wait, please" she called after him, running out the door behind him. Nick was slamming the lift button. "We have to talk about this, don't do this to me" she cried. Nick took one look at her before the lift door opened and he bolted inside. Y/n quickly squeezed herself in between the doors before they shut.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm sorry I walked in without knocking, okay? And I'm sorry I laughed; I truly didn't mean to...I- "

Nick cut her off "then why did you laugh?" he asked, hurt cascading his face. "Is there something funny about it?"

"No!" Y/n gulped, "it was really...beautiful" she finalised with a nod of her head.

"Oh my god!" Nick exclaimed as the lift bell rang, signaling that the door was opening. A man in a suit walked into the lift but that didn't stop Y/n from continuing her conversation with Nick.

"I think it's great that you're expressing yourself with dance and I for one wouldn't want you to stop on my account!" Y/n knew she was being ridiculous but at least he was talking to her. The man in the lift shifted his gaze to Nick and curled his eyebrow in question. As the lift dinged again, the man hurried out of the lift. Before Y/n could say anymore, Nick grabbed her shoulders and moved her aside and exited the lift.

Y/n huffed before following him out "Oh come on Nick we all dance naked!" she yelled after him. she quietly turned around to get back into the lift guilt lingering around her about how she had dealt with the situation.

"I'm such an idiot" she whispered to herself before traipsing back to the apartment. As the lift approached the second floor, the lift door opened to show Nick standing there. He closed his eyes in defeat before getting into the lift.

They were both silent as the lift began to move again. "You ruined my date" Nick spoke softly, glancing swiftly at Y/n. "every time I tried to take my clothes off, I could just hear your little laugh" he groaned. Y/n's heart stung either out of guilt or jealousy she couldn't decipher.

"All I wanna do is have meaningless sex with a beautiful woman – who talks in mind-bending riddles, yes, but I can't, because I can't get your little giggle out of my head!" Nick finalised before storming out of the lift. Y/n's lip wobbled as she tried to find the words to fix her mess with Nick. Y/n hurried after Nick.

"Stop following me" he exhaled.

"Then stop running away from me!" she rebutted "I just want to talk to you, please Nick I don't want things to be weird between us".

"Oh my god, shut up!" Winston exclaimed from the couch. Y/n turned around abruptly not having realised he was still there.

Nick huffed and walked away into the bathroom.

Y/n sighed and sat down beside Winston on the couch.

"What is wrong with me?" she cried as she placed her head on his shoulder. Winston gently patted her head but didn't say anything to console her. It was enough for Y/n.
It had been a few days and Y/n had been thinking of ways to make herself even with Nick until an idea struck her.

Y/n was standing in a white towel in her room as she heard the front door slam. She quickly turned around and fled into Nick's room before he could see. She turned to face the door, her hands clutching the towel.

"This is so not weird" she whispered to herself. "Totally normal". Y/n paused as she heard another woman's voice with Nick. Y/n's eyes went wide as she realised the predicament she had gotten herself into. Panicking, she tossed her eyes around the room trying to find a suitable hiding place. The door burst open as Y/n tossed herself onto the floor beside Nick's bed. Y/n's eyes blew wide as she realised what she was about to witness, if Nick found her, he would truly never forgive her. Y/n began commando crawling her way to freedom until Nick bent down to take his underwear off and locked eyes with Y/n.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He yelled.

"Who is that?" the woman exclaimed. Y/n rolled her eyes at the girl currently sitting on Nick's bed. Y/n quickly got up and sped walked to Nicks door. As she lifted her hand to latch onto the handle, the grip on her towel slipped. As it fell Y/n realised that she could either bask in it or be truly and utterly embarrassed. She chose the former. Y/n slowly spun around as Nick's eyes raked her form.

"Hi, I'm Y/n, you must be Amanda... welcome to our home".
Y/n declined Jess' invitation for 'family feeling stick time' as she still felt utterly awful about her last interaction with Nick. She had never done something so stupid like that before, especially when it came to Nick. After a few hours had passed Y/n knocked on Nick's door.

"Come in" she heard him shout from the other side of the door.

Y/n slowly pushed the door open and poked her head inside. "So... did Amanda call you back?"

Nick laughed before lifting his head "you know, I don't see Amanda calling me back anytime soon" Y/n pressed her lips into a tight smile. Relief bubbling in her chest.

"are we even now?" she asked, a small smile dancing on her lips.

Nick grinned at the girl still stuck in the doorway.

"we're even".

Y/n smiled and closed Nick's door behind her. Everything was normal... for now at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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